
Wiki page by khorben on 03/01/2012 11:03:30
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 <a href="/os/project/230/Browser">Project page</a> (<a href="/os/wiki/3426/Graphical-environment">graphical environment</a>)<br><h3>Description</h3>Browser is a graphical file manager for the desktop.<br>It currently supports browsing with multiple views, MIME type
 application association, and file manipulation. An application managing
 the desktop is also provided (background, desktop files and application
-launchers).<br><h3>Tasks</h3><ul><li>Integrate a directory tree inside the interface</li><li>Support XDG specifications for file associations</li><li>Add preferences for file associations in the interface<br></li><li>Re-implement copy &amp; paste support</li><li>Check and improve drag &amp; drop support as well<br></li><li>Adapt both copy &amp; paste support to the desktop application</li><li>Adapt drag &amp; drop support to the desktop application</li><li>Add preferences for the screen saver in the desktop application</li><li>Add preferences for the monitor layout in the desktop application<br></li></ul>
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+launchers).<br><h3>Tasks</h3><ul><li>Integrate a directory tree inside the interface</li><li>Support XDG specifications for file associations</li><li><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Add preferences for file associations in the interface</span><br></li><li>Re-implement copy &amp; paste support</li><li>Check and improve drag &amp; drop support as well<br></li><li>Adapt both copy &amp; paste support to the desktop application</li><li>Adapt drag &amp; drop support to the desktop application</li><li>Add preferences for the screen saver in the desktop application</li><li>Add preferences for the monitor layout in the desktop application<br></li></ul>
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1.5 (diff)khorben
1.4 (diff)khorben
1.3 (diff)khorben
1.2 (diff)khorben