Manual browser: daportal(1)



daportal — Invoke DaPortal requests from the command line


daportal [-D] [-M MIME type] [-f] [-m module] [-a action] [-i ID] [-q] [-t title] [-v] [-o variable=value...]


The daportal command line utility can locate a local installation of the DaPortal Content Management System, and issue requests directly. A single request can be issued per invocation of the daportal command.

By default, it ensures that requests do not affect the state of the local installation (idempotence). Updates can however be allowed with a special argument.


The following options are available:


Enables debugging mode.


Sets a MIME type for the output format (default: text/plain).


Allows requests to not be idempotent.


Sets the module to be invoked.


Sets the action to be called.


Sets the request's ID.


Sets the request's title.


Sets additional parameter values.


DaPortal requests are messages sent to the processing engine selected, which in turn dispatches them to the right module. Requests are composed of:

  • a module name

  • an action (optional)

  • an ID (optional)

  • a title (optional), which should usually match the ID's title in database

  • an additional list of parameters (optional)

Unspecified parameters may be set automatically, depending on the engine running and the configuration.

By default, requests are considered idempotent: the state of the database remains the same before and after the request, triggering equivalent results when the request is repeated. Other operations are considered privileged, and require a special flag to work.

Requests are also sent and received internally by DaPortal; they are however denied from external tools like daportal.



Configuration file for the daportal script.


The following environment variables affect the execution of daportal:


Path to an alternative configuration file.


Username to login against (requires environment-based authentication, like provided by the EnvAuth authentication backend)


Issues can be listed and reported at

Importantly, the daportal command (and therefore, this manual page) assumes the engine configured or selected by DaPortal to be CliEngine, or inheriting from CliEngine. DaPortal may however be configured or extended with additional engines, which may expect different arguments, function differently, have differing output (such as GtkEngine) or may not even work at all from the command line interface.

See also
