Latest news
Efforts were concentrated on the assembler lately, and it can now:
Next problems to tackle are with endian-ness, different x86 addressing modes, mod r/m operands on x86, variables, and why not some kind of pre-processing or another architecture support (who said sparc?).
Another release is on its way.
On another front, configure's OS detection was checked and improved a bit, and it will soon allow networked projects to compile on Solaris as well.
- generate valid x86 ELF32 object files (and ELF64 too normally);
- handle about 150 valid opcode and operands combinations on x86.
Next problems to tackle are with endian-ness, different x86 addressing modes, mod r/m operands on x86, variables, and why not some kind of pre-processing or another architecture support (who said sparc?).
Another release is on its way.
On another front, configure's OS detection was checked and improved a bit, and it will soon allow networked projects to compile on Solaris as well.