Porting DeforaOS and NetBSD on the Nokia N900
A lot of work is being put into porting NetBSD to the Nokia N900 smartphone hardware, with the ultimate goal to be running the DeforaOS embedded desktop environment there. The current status of this effort was reported during "Call your NetBSD" [1], a talk given at the BSDCan 2013 conference in Ottawa, Canada [2]. Keyboard and Xorg support is confirmed, while the touchscreen driver is in progress.
[1] http://people.defora.org/~khorben/papers/bsdcan2013/
[2] http://www.bsdcan.org/2013/schedule/events/381.en.html
[1] http://people.defora.org/~khorben/papers/bsdcan2013/
[2] http://www.bsdcan.org/2013/schedule/events/381.en.html