To ease the packaging process, with their respective current source code, both the libSystem [1], Browser [2], Editor [3] and Player [4] have just bee...
It has been decided a few weeks ago already [1] that DeforaOS would supply its libc [2] to the Whitix project [3]. A news should have been made here a...
As announced on my blog [1], an unofficial DeforaOS image for the Openmoko is now available [2].
It was generated by the new build script [3], whic...
It was generated by the new build script [3], whic...
For some time now, the libc had been also maintained in a separate branch, "khorben-libdl". Its aim was to experiment with dynamic object loading befo...
To ease the compilation of the system, I have decided to add a script at the root of the source tree [1]. It is actually inspired from its equivalent ...
The function call graph generator is getting better, but still requires the DeforaOS libc [1]. Tracing network code being an essential feature of the ...
A number of fixes were committed to the DeforaOS compiler [1] a few minutes ago. They finally allowed for the introduction of the graph target plug-in...
Here is what happened in the last days:
- converted the assembler code to use the pre-processing library [1] (and hence the Parser class [2]);
- s...
The version 0.0.2 of the DeforaOS desktop file browser [1] is now available as well. It depends on the presence of the libSystem library, for example ...
As promised a couple of days ago, the version 0.0.2 of the essential system library for DeforaOS is available for download from the project page [1].