DeforaOS can be found at 30C3 [1], the ongoing 30th annual CCC congress in Hamburg, Germany. The official assembly table [2] is shared with the Gentoo...
It is by no means a metric of intrinsic value, but still a significant milestone in terms of development effort: the DeforaOS project [1] as a whole i...
Browser 0.4.13 [1] was tagged two weeks ago, but unfortunately some issues with the DaPortal CMS [2] meant that the actual upload and announcement had...
A few desktop projects have just been released, so as to reflect the recent API update of libDesktop:
- libDesktop 0.0.10 [1]
- Browser 0.4.12 [2]...
A lot of work is being put into porting NetBSD to the Nokia N900 smartphone hardware, with the ultimate goal to be running the DeforaOS embedded deskt...
Much like for EuroBSDCon 2012 [1], the DeforaOS/NetBSD tablet project [2] was presented at the annual French NetBSD hackathon [3] (although in French ...
On unexpected news, development of the DeforaOS Project is currently migrating from CVS to Git. This decision (and its almost immediate application) w...
As just mentioned [1], the DeforaOS user interface [2] was presented at EuroBSDCon 2012 [3], while running on a tablet device (the WeTab [4]) together...
While preparing for the EuroBSDCon conference in Warsaw last week-end [1], eleven projects part of the desktop environment [2] were released with upda...
The most mature applications of the project had manual pages written progressively over the past few months. They are being pushed online automaticall...