
News by khorben on 29/09/2011 16:54:16
About two weeks ago, a new tool was added to the configure project [1]: pkg-config [2], a re-implementation of the popular program of the same name [3...
News by khorben on 29/09/2011 16:20:22
Just like reported on freshmeat [1] and Twitter [2] already, Mailer 0.1.0 was released moments ago [3] with a significant addition: SSL support when c...
News by khorben on 28/09/2011 13:29:00
The source archive for asm 0.2.1 was uploaded moments ago [1], with the following changes:
  • the maximum number of operands per instruction was rais...
News by khorben on 28/09/2011 00:40:51
The Open World Forum [1] is a yearly conference about Open Source, of which the fourth edition took place last week in Paris, France. A programming co...
News by khorben on 08/07/2011 17:21:17
A third release of the mail client [2] is now available, still logically labeled as version 0.0.3 [2]. Support for the IMAP4 protocol is slowly gettin...
News by khorben on 26/06/2011 21:50:43
The current status of the (de-)assembler project, asm [1], was demonstrated earlier this month during "Pas Sage en Seine 2011", a security and Open So...
News by khorben on 06/06/2011 02:39:08
This project [1] is among the oldest within the DeforaOS graphical applications [2], and it is finally good enough for a release: the first redistribu...
News by khorben on 03/06/2011 02:32:14
The first modifications allowing DeforaOS to be built on Windows have been pushed in the past couple of days. Some projects can be compiled successful...
News by khorben on 27/05/2011 16:44:44
Earlier this month a new project, PDFViewer [1] was introduced by zecrazytux [2], an external contributor who also participated to the hackable:1 proj...
News by khorben on 04/05/2011 19:36:05
A lot of work has been pushed recently into the (de-)assembler project [1]. It is much more flexible, and much better at handling different architectu...
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