
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-15"?>
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<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.5//EN"
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<!ENTITY firstname "Pierre">
<!ENTITY surname "Pronchery">
<!ENTITY email "khorben@defora.org">
<!ENTITY package "DaPortal">
<!ENTITY name "daportal">
<!ENTITY title "DaPortal Administrator Manual">
<!ENTITY purpose "Installation notes for DaPortal">
<title>Installing &package;</title>
<contrib>Code and documentation.</contrib>
<holder>&firstname; &surname; &lt;&email;&gt;</holder>
<para>This guide was written for the DeforaOS project (and may be used by
<para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.</para>
<publisher><publishername>The DeforaOS Project</publishername></publisher>
<title>Warning: work in progress</title>
<para>These notes are based on a development version of &package; 2.</para>
<title>Introduction notes</title>
<title>Where to find &package;</title>
<para>First, make sure that you have downloaded the latest stable version of
&package; 2. It can be found there: <ulink
This guide will assume the resulting archive to be called
<para>Alternatively, you may choose to track the development of &package;
2, or any given branch from the Source Code Management system. Some
instructions to do so can be found here: <ulink
<title>Common requirements</title>
<para>&package; 2 is a Content Management System (CMS) written in the PHP
programming language. It is based on a modular architecture, and therefore
able to adapt to a number of different environments. It therefore requires a
working installation of PHP, version 5.0 or later. PHP can be found at
<ulink url="http://www.php.net/">http://www.php.net/</ulink>.</para>
<para>On many platforms the default installation of PHP does not include (or
enable) all of the builtin extensions, some of which are required or
recommended for &package; to function properly:
<listitem><para>the gettext extension (optional)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>the POSIX extension (for the <varname>browser</varname>
<listitem><para>the corresponding SQL database extension (see <xref
<para>The following components are optional, and will likely improve the
behavior of &package;:<itemizedlist>
<listitem><para>the shared-mime-info package from the freedesktop
<listitem><para>either one of the GNOME, Tango or XFCE4 icon
<listitem><para>the PHP PEAR modules for creating and decoding MIME
messages, Mail_Mime and Mail_mimeDecode.</para></listitem>
<section id="introduction-database">
<title>Database backend</title>
<para>&package; expects a database backend to be available to store and
handle the data to be managed. A number of different backends are supported
by &package;:
<listitem><para>PDO, now standard in PHP;</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>SQLite 2 and 3, <ulink
<listitem><para>PostgreSQL, <ulink
<listitem><para>MySQL, <ulink
url="http://www.mysql.org/">http://www.mysql.org/</ulink> (through
PDO only, with known issues)</para></listitem>
<para>The actual choice is left to the administrator of the system. The
corresponding PHP extension should be installed and enabled as
<para>The &package; installation is only as secure as its surrounding
environment is; be sure to comply with best practices and the corresponding
hardening guidelines for the system hosting &package;.</para>
<para>In particular, it is recommended to install and enable both the Suhosin
patch and extension for PHP; please refer to <ulink
for more information.</para>
<title>Deployment as a web application</title>
<title>Additional requirements</title>
<para>A web server supporting PHP is required for &package; to be deployed as
a web application. &package; was most tested with Apache (versions 1.3
through 2.2), which is therefore the most recommended implementation. It can
be found at <ulink
<para>PHP's session extension is also required for session-based
authentication to be functional.</para>
<para>For increased security, &package; 2 is meant to be installed in a
separate directory, outside of the web server's document root folder. On
most systems, this might be:<itemizedlist>
<listitem><para><filename>@PREFIX@/share/daportal</filename> for &package;
<listitem><para><filename>/var/www/htdocs</filename> for the web
server's document root.</para></listitem>
</itemizedlist>This guide will assume these locations to be used in the
following instructions.</para>
<para>Uncompress &package; 2 to the destination folder:</para>
<programlisting>$ tar xzvf DaPortal-@VERSION@.tar.gz
$ cd DaPortal-@VERSION@
$ make install</programlisting>
<para>You should then move, copy or alias the contents of &package;'s
<filename>data</filename> sub-directory in the web server's own document
root folder. In the case of Apache, this might be done in the main
configuration file, as shown in <xref linkend="example-apache"/>.</para>
<example id="example-apache">
<title>Data directory aliasing in Apache</title>
<programlisting>Alias /css/ "@PREFIX@/share/daportal/data/css/"
Alias /icons/ "@PREFIX@/share/daportal/data/icons/"
Alias /js/ "@PREFIX@/share/daportal/data/js/"
Alias /themes/ "@PREFIX@/share/daportal/data/themes/"</programlisting>
<para>Likewise, you may have to copy and modify the default index file,
<filename>index.php</filename>, from the <filename>data</filename> directory
to the document root. An example of such a file is found in <xref
<example id="example-index.php">
<title>index.php in the document root</title>
<programlisting>&lt;?php if(chdir('@PREFIX@/share/daportal/src')) require('./daportal.php'); ?&gt;</programlisting>
<para>Be sure to set <filename>index.php</filename> as a valid index file in
the web server's configuration (directive <varname>DirectoryIndex</varname>
for Apache).</para>
<para>Alternatively, on most web servers it should be fine to serve
&package;'s own <filename>data</filename> folder as the actual document
root (minding the <filename>index.php</filename> file).</para>
<para>&package; has a single configuration file,
<filename>daportal.conf</filename>, located in
<filename>@PREFIX@/etc/daportal.conf</filename>. It is meant to be easy to
edit manually, and consists of a series of variable assignments (eg
<varname>variable_name=the value</varname>), sorted within a number of
sections (which names are surrounded by brackets, "[" and "]"). Comment
lines are allowed as well, and begin with the "#" character.</para>
<para>&package;'s HTTP engine should be selected automatically when PHP runs
in the context of a web server. Otherwise (or for performance reasons) it is
possible to enforce the appropriate engine by modifying the
<varname>engine</varname> section of <filename>daportal.conf</filename> as
<para>The top-level <varname>theme</varname> and <varname>title</varname>
settings can be changed as well, and will respectively define the default
CSS to use (among the <filename>themes</filename> folder), and the default
title for the web pages and documents generated.</para>
<title>Friendly links</title>
<para>Alternatively, &package;'s HTTPFriendly engine can be selected. It
can generate and handle HTTP links and requests that will typically be
more readable, while also allowing better indexing of the different pages
(eg for SEO, Search Engine Optimization). If available, it will normally
take precedence over the default HTTP engine. It requires an additional
parameter to be fully enabled, <varname>kicker</varname>, which designates
an extra script to handle requests. The required configuration is
illustrated here:</para>
<para>This configuration requires the following to work
<listitem><para>a handler called <filename>somename.php</filename>, placed
along with the <filename>index.php</filename> file;</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>the web server must recognize this handler, and pass the
incoming requests through it.</para></listitem>
<para>An example of such a handler is provided in <xref
linkend="example-friendly-handler"/>; in this case, it should be named
<filename>somename.php</filename> and placed in the document root:</para>
<example id="example-friendly-handler">
<title>Handler for friendly links</title>
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/index.php';
<para>In the case of Apache, the following modification to the configuration
for the document root may be necessary:</para>
<programlisting>&lt;Directory "/var/www/htdocs"&gt;
Options MultiViews
MultiviewsMatch Handlers
<section id="web-database">
<title>Database integration</title>
<para>The installation and configuration of the database engine itself will
not be discussed here, as it is specific to each implementation. Its
integration with &package; is however detailed here, taking SQLite 2 as an
<para>The database backend to use must be specified in the
<varname>database</varname> section of <filename>daportal.conf</filename>,
as follows:</para>
<para>Additional parameters may have to be specified; see the respective
database sections and documentation for reference. As shown here, in the
case of SQLite 2 only <varname>filename</varname> is required in the
<varname>[database::sqlite2]</varname> section, and points where the
database file is found.</para>
<para>Such a database file can be created in
<filename>/var/www/sqlite</filename>, as follows:</para>
<programlisting>$ mkdir -p /var/www/sqlite
$ touch /var/www/sqlite/daportal.db
$ sqlite /var/www/sqlite/daportal.db
sqlite&gt; .read @PREFIX@/share/doc/DaPortal/sql/sqlite.sql
sqlite&gt; .quit</programlisting>
<title>Warning: privileges for the SQLite database folder</title>
<para>Make sure that the web server has sufficient privileges to read and
write to this database as required. In the case of SQLite, this often
applies to the directory containing the database file itself (eg for
<para>With this last step done, &package; should now be ready to serve HTTP
requests. If necessary, the authentication mechanisms in place can be
modified; this is detailed in <xref linkend="web-authentication"/>.</para>
<section id="web-authentication">
<para>There are at least two ways available for &package; to authenticate
users, when running as a web application:<itemizedlist>
<listitem><para><varname>http</varname>: performs HTTP basic
<listitem><para><varname>session</varname>: uses PHP's own session-handling
<para>The latter, <varname>session</varname>, is the most recommended and
most tested authentication mechanisms of both. It should be selected by
default by the engine when available. In any case, either can be enforced
in the <filename>daportal.conf</filename> configuration file:</para>
<title id="deployment-cli">Deployment as a command-line application</title>
<title>Additional requirements</title>
<para>&package; provides a dedicated command-line utility, <ulink
url="daportal.html"><command>daportal</command></ulink>, to issue requests
to the system directly. For this to work properly, PHP must be installed with
support for command-line applications (CLI).</para>
<para>For the default authentication mechanism to work correctly in
command-line mode, PHP's POSIX extension is required as well.</para>
<para>The <command>&name;</command> command can be installed to the system as
<programlisting>$ cd /var/www/daportal/tools
$ make PREFIX="@PREFIX@" install</programlisting>
<para>Specifying the <varname>PREFIX</varname> value is optional, and defaults
to <filename>@PREFIX@</filename>.</para>
<para>It may be necessary to help the <command>daportal</command> script to
locate the folder where &package; is installed; if available, the
configuration file <filename>@PREFIX@/etc/defaults/daportal.conf</filename>
will be automatically read.</para>
<para>An example for this file is provided in <xref
linkend="example-etc/defaults/daportal.conf"/> below:</para>
<example id="example-etc/defaults/daportal.conf">
<title>Example of configuration file in
<title>Database integration</title>
<para>Just like when installed as a web application, &package; needs a
database backend to be configured when used as a command-line application.
The instructions found in <xref linkend="web-database"/> apply here as
<para>Unlike the HTTP engine, the default authentication backend in use when
running &package; on the command-line is <varname>unix</varname>. It maps
usernames on the system to those found in &package;'s database, which may
therefore have to be edited manually beforehand.</para>
<title>Deployment as a Gtk+ application</title>
<title>Additional requirements</title>
<para>&package; 2 can also be used as a Gtk+ application. All of the
requirements, installation, configuration and integration notes for
&package; as a command-line application found in <xref
linkend="deployment-cli"/> therefore apply here.</para>
<para>Additionally, the Gtk+ extension for PHP is required; it can be found
at <ulink url="http://gtk.php.net/">http://gtk.php.net/</ulink>.</para>
<title>Additional configuration</title>
<para>The user interface for &package; supports multiple languages through
the GNU Gettext PHP extension. For this to work, the locale database for
&package; must be installed; this can be done as follows:</para>
<programlisting>$ cd @PREFIX@/share/daportal/po
$ make PREFIX="@PREFIX@" install</programlisting>
<para>The value of <varname>PREFIX</varname> can be changed; in this case,
the <varname>prefix</varname> variable in <filename>daportal.conf</filename>
must be adjusted as well.</para>
<para>By default, &package; uses translation files from the current locale
(if available). It can otherwise be forced in
<filename>daportal.conf</filename>, as shown in <xref
<example id="example-locale">
<title>Locale settings in daportal.conf</title>
#for French
<title>Modules and users</title>
<para>Once the system functional, the modules enabled as well as user
management can be performed directly through the administration interface,
once logged as an administrative user.</para>
<para>The default credentials for a new installation are
<varname>admin</varname> for the username, and <varname>password</varname>
as the default password. It is strongly recommended to change the name for
this user, as well as its password before using &package; in
<title>Additional configuration values</title>
<para>The default configuration file also lists additional settings that may
be applied to specific components. Please refer to <ulink
url="daportal.conf.html">its documentation</ulink> for more
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