
<?php //$Id$
//Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Pierre Pronchery <khorben@defora.org>
//This file is part of DeforaOS Web DaPortal
//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class BrowserModule extends Module
public function call(Engine $engine, Request $request, $internal = 0)
if(($action = $request->getAction()) === FALSE)
$action = 'default';
case 'actions':
return $this->$action($engine,
return FALSE;
case 'default':
case 'download':
case 'upload':
$action = 'call'.$action;
return $this->$action($engine, $request);
return new ErrorResponse(_('Invalid action'),
protected function canUpload(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
$content = FALSE, &$error = FALSE)
$credentials = $engine->getCredentials();
$error = _('Permission denied');
$root = $this->getRoot($engine);
//check for the global setting
return FALSE;
//check for anonymous submissions
$error = _('Anonymous submissions are not allowed');
if($credentials->getUserID() == 0)
return FALSE;
if($content === FALSE)
return TRUE;
//check for idempotence
$error = _('The request expired or is invalid');
if($request === NULL || $request->isIdempotent())
return FALSE;
//check for write permissions
$error = _('Could not lookup the path');
if(($path = $this->getPath($engine, $request)) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
$error = _('Permission denied');
return posix_access($root.'/'.$path, POSIX_W_OK) ? TRUE : FALSE;
protected function getDate($time)
$format = _('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S');
return Date::formatTimestamp($time, $format);
protected function getGroup($gid)
static $cache = array();
return $cache[$gid];
$cache[$gid] = (function_exists('posix_getgrgid')
&& ($gr = posix_getgrgid($gid)) !== FALSE)
? $gr['name'] : $gid;
return $cache[$gid];
protected function getPath(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$root = $this->getRoot($engine);
$from = array('-');
$to = array('?');
if(($path = $request->getTitle()) === FALSE)
return '/';
$p = str_replace($from, $to, $path);
if(($res = glob($root.'/'.$p, GLOB_NOESCAPE)) !== FALSE
&& count($res) == 1)
$path = substr($res[0], strlen($root));
return $this->helperSanitizePath($path);
protected function getPermissions($mode)
return Common::getPermissions($mode);
protected function getRoot(Engine $engine)
if(($root = $this->configGet('root')) === FALSE)
$message = 'The browser repository is not configured';
$engine->log(LOG_WARNING, $message);
$root = '/tmp';
return $root;
protected function getToolbar(Engine $engine, $path, $directory = FALSE)
$toolbar = new PageElement('toolbar');
if(($parent = dirname($path)) != $path)
$r = new Request($this->name, FALSE, FALSE,
ltrim($parent, '/'));
//XXX change the label to "Browse" for files
$toolbar->append('button', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => 'updir',
'text' => _('Parent directory')));
$r = new Request($this->name, FALSE, FALSE, ltrim($path, '/'));
$toolbar->append('button', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => 'refresh', 'text' => _('Refresh')));
if($directory === FALSE)
$r = new Request($this->name, 'download', FALSE,
ltrim($path, '/'));
$toolbar->append('button', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => 'download',
'text' => _('Download')));
else if($this->canUpload($engine))
$r = new Request($this->name, 'upload', FALSE,
ltrim($path, '/'));
$toolbar->append('button', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => 'upload',
'text' => _('Upload')));
return $toolbar;
protected function getUser($uid)
static $cache = array();
return $cache[$uid];
$cache[$uid] = (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')
&& ($pw = posix_getpwuid($uid)) !== FALSE)
? $pw['name'] : $uid;
return $cache[$uid];
protected function actions(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$ret = array();
if($request->get('user') !== FALSE
|| $request->get('group') !== FALSE)
return $ret;
if($request->get('admin') != 0)
return $ret;
return $ret;
protected function callDefault(Engine $engine, Request $request)
//obtain the path requested
$path = $this->getPath($engine, $request);
$title = _('Browser: ').$path;
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->name,
'text' => $title));
$this->helperDisplay($engine, $page, $path);
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function callDownload(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$root = $this->getRoot($engine);
$error = _('Could not download the file requested');
//obtain the path requested
$path = $this->getPath($engine, $request);
if(($fp = fopen($root.'/'.$path, 'rb')) !== FALSE)
$ret = new StreamResponse($fp);
if(($type = Mime::getType($engine, $path)) !== FALSE)
return $ret;
$title = _('Browser: ').$path;
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->name,
'text' => $title));
$page->append('dialog', array('type' => 'error',
'text' => $error));
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function callUpload(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$root = $this->getRoot($engine);
//check permissions
$error = _('Unknown error');
if($this->canUpload($engine, $request, FALSE, $error) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error, Response::$CODE_EPERM);
//obtain the path requested
$path = $this->getPath($engine, $request);
//create the page
$title = _('Browser: ')._('Upload to ').$path;
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->name,
'text' => $title));
//FIXME let stat() vs lstat() be configurable
$error = _('Could not open the file or directory requested');
if(($st = @stat($root.'/'.$path)) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error);
if(($st['mode'] & Common::$S_IFDIR) == Common::$S_IFDIR)
$toolbar = $this->getToolbar($engine, $path, TRUE);
$toolbar = $this->getToolbar($engine, $path, FALSE);
//process the request
if(($error = $this->_uploadProcess($engine, $request, $path))
=== FALSE)
return $this->_uploadSuccess($engine, $request, $path,
else if(is_string($error))
$page->append('dialog', array('type' => 'error',
'text' => $error));
$r = new Request($this->name, 'upload', FALSE, ltrim($path,
$form = $page->append('form', array('request' => $r));
$form->append('filechooser', array('name' => 'files[]'));
$r = new Request($this->name, FALSE, FALSE, ltrim($path, '/'));
$form->append('button', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => 'cancel',
'target' => '_cancel', 'text' => _('Cancel')));
$form->append('button', array('type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'action', 'value' => '_upload',
'text' => _('Upload')));
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function _uploadProcess(Engine $engine, Request $request,
$ret = TRUE;
$forbidden = array('.', '..');
//XXX UNIX supports backward slashes in filenames
$delimiters = array('/', '\\');
//verify the request
return TRUE;
//upload the file(s)
|| count($_FILES['files']['error']) == 0)
return TRUE;
//check known errors
$count = 0;
foreach($_FILES['files']['error'] as $k => $v)
else if($v != UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
return _('An error occurred');
foreach($forbidden as $f)
if($_FILES['files']['name'][$k] == $f)
return _('Forbidden filename');
foreach($delimiters as $d)
if(strpos($_FILES['files']['name'][$k], $d)
!== FALSE)
return _('An error occurred');
if($count == 0)
return _('No file uploaded');
if(is_file($path) && $count != 1)
//overwrite files one file at a time
return _('Destination is not a directory');
//store each file uploaded
foreach($_FILES['files']['error'] as $k => $v)
if($_FILES['files']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE)
$res = $this->_uploadProcessFile($engine, $request,
$path, $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$k],
$_FILES['files']['name'][$k], $content);
if($res === FALSE)
return _('Internal server error');
return FALSE;
protected function _uploadProcessFile(Engine $engine, Request $request,
$parent, $pathname, $filename, &$content)
$root = $this->getRoot($engine);
$dst = $root.'/'.$parent.'/'.$filename;
return move_uploaded_file($pathname, $dst);
protected function _uploadSuccess(Engine $engine, Request $request,
$path, $page)
$r = new Request($this->name, FALSE, FALSE, ltrim($path, '/'));
return $this->helperRedirect($engine, $r, $page,
protected function helperDisplay(Engine $engine, PageElement $page,
$root = $this->getRoot($engine);
$error = _('Could not open the file or directory requested');
//FIXME let stat() vs lstat() be configurable
if(($st = @stat($root.'/'.$path)) === FALSE)
return $page->append('dialog', array('type' => 'error',
'text' => $error));
if(($st['mode'] & Common::$S_IFDIR) == Common::$S_IFDIR)
$toolbar = $this->getToolbar($engine, $path, TRUE);
$this->helperDisplayDirectory($engine, $page, $root,
$toolbar = $this->getToolbar($engine, $path, FALSE);
$this->helperDisplayFile($engine, $page, $root, $path,
protected function helperDisplayDirectory(Engine $engine,
PageElement $page, $root, $path)
$error = _('Could not open the directory requested');
if(($dir = @opendir($root.'/'.$path)) === FALSE)
return $page->append('dialog', array('type' => 'error',
'text' => $error));
$path = rtrim($path, '/');
$columns = array('icon' => '', 'title' => _('Title'),
'user' => _('User'), 'group' => _('Group'),
'size' => _('Size'), 'date' => _('Date'),
'mode' => _('Permissions'));
$view = $page->append('treeview', array('columns' => $columns));
//obtain (and sort) all entries
$entries = array();
while(($de = readdir($dir)) !== FALSE)
$entries[] = $de;
foreach($entries as $de)
//skip "." and ".."
if($de == '.' || $de == '..')
$fullpath = $root.'/'.$path.'/'.$de;
$st = lstat($fullpath);
$row = $view->append('row');
if($st['mode'] & Common::$S_IFDIR)
$icon = Mime::getIconByType($engine,
'inode/directory', 16);
$icon = Mime::getIcon($engine, $de, 16);
$icon = new PageElement('image', array(
'source' => $icon));
$row->setProperty('icon', $icon);
$r = new Request($this->name, FALSE, FALSE,
ltrim($path.'/'.$de, '/'));
$link = new PageElement('link', array(
'request' => $r, 'text' => $de));
$row->setProperty('title', $link);
$row->setProperty('user', $this->getUser($st['uid']));
$row->setProperty('group', $this->getGroup($st['gid']));
$row->setProperty('size', Common::getSize($st['size']));
$row->setProperty('date', $this->getDate($st['mtime']));
$permissions = $this->getPermissions($st['mode']);
$permissions = new PageElement('label', array(
'class' => 'preformatted',
'text' => $permissions));
$row->setProperty('mode', $permissions);
protected function helperDisplayFile(Engine $engine, PageElement $page,
$root, $path, $st)
$hbox = $page->append('hbox');
$col1 = $hbox->append('vbox');
$col2 = $hbox->append('vbox');
$col1->append('label', array('class' => 'bold',
'text' => _('Filename:')));
$r = new Request($this->name, 'download', FALSE,
ltrim($path, '/'));
$link = new PageElement('link', array('request' => $r,
'text' => basename($path)));
$this->_displayFileField($col1, $col2, _('Type:'),
Mime::getType($engine, basename($path)));
$this->_displayFileField($col1, $col2, _('User:'),
$this->_displayFileField($col1, $col2, _('Group:'),
$this->_displayFileField($col1, $col2, _('Permissions:'),
$this->_displayFileField($col1, $col2, _('Size:'),
//creation time
$this->_displayFileField($col1, $col2, _('Created on:'),
//modification time
$this->_displayFileField($col1, $col2, _('Last modified:'),
//access time
$this->_displayFileField($col1, $col2, _('Last access:'),
private function _displayFileField($col1, $col2, $field, $value,
$class = FALSE)
$col1->append('label', array('class' => 'bold',
'text' => $field.' '));
$col2->append('label', array('class' => $class,
'text' => $value));
protected function helperRedirect(Engine $engine, Request $request,
PageElement $page, $text = FALSE)
//XXX duplicated from ContentModule
if($text === FALSE)
$text = $this->text_redirect_progress;
$page->set('location', $engine->getURL($request));
$page->set('refresh', 30);
$box = $page->append('vbox');
$box->append('label', array('text' => $text));
$box = $box->append('hbox');
$text = _('If you are not redirected within 30 seconds, please ');
$box->append('label', array('text' => $text));
$box->append('link', array('text' => _('click here'),
'request' => $request));
$box->append('label', array('text' => '.'));
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function helperSanitizePath($path)
$path = '/'.ltrim($path, '/');
$path = str_replace('/./', '/', $path);
//FIXME really implement '..'
if(strcmp($path, '/..') == 0 || strpos($path, '/../') !== FALSE)
return '/';
return $path;
protected $text_redirect_progress = 'Redirection in progress, please wait...';
protected $text_upload_progress = 'Upload in progress, please wait...';