
<?php //$Id$
//Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Pierre Pronchery <khorben@defora.org>
//This file is part of DeforaOS Web DaPortal
//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//- mention when a content is not public
//- list contents pending moderation (if relevant)
abstract class ContentModule extends Module
public function call(Engine $engine, Request $request, $internal = 0)
//XXX should be saved in the constructor
$this->engine = $engine;
if(($action = $request->getAction()) === FALSE)
$action = 'default';
case 'actions':
return $this->$action($engine,
return FALSE;
case 'admin':
case 'default':
case 'display':
case 'group':
case 'headline':
case 'list':
case 'preview':
case 'publish':
case 'submit':
case 'update':
$action = 'call'.$action;
return $this->$action($engine, $request);
return new ErrorResponse(_('Invalid action'),
//FIXME make these more generic: can($action)
public function canAdmin(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
Content $content = NULL, &$error = FALSE)
$credentials = $engine->getCredentials();
$error = _('Permission denied');
return FALSE;
if($content === NULL)
return TRUE;
return $content->canAdmin($engine, NULL, $error);
public function canDelete(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
Content $content = NULL, &$error = FALSE)
return $this->canAdmin($engine, $request, $content, $error);
public function canDisable(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
Content $content = NULL, &$error = FALSE)
return $this->canAdmin($engine, $request, $content, $error);
public function canEnable(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
Content $content = NULL, &$error = FALSE)
return $this->canAdmin($engine, $request, $content, $error);
public function canPreview(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
Content $content = NULL, &$error = FALSE)
$class = static::$content_class;
if($content === NULL)
$content = new $class($engine, $this);
return $content->canPreview($engine, NULL, $error);
public function canPublish(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
Content $content = NULL, &$error = FALSE)
$credentials = $engine->getCredentials();
if($credentials->getUserID() == 0)
$error = _('You need to be logged in to publish content');
return FALSE;
$error = _('Only moderators can publish content');
return FALSE;
if($content === NULL)
return TRUE;
return $content->canPublish($engine, NULL, $error);
public function canSubmit(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
Content $content = NULL, &$error = FALSE)
$credentials = $engine->getCredentials();
$anonymous = _('Anonymous submissions are not allowed');
if($credentials->getUserID() == 0)
$error = $anonymous;
return FALSE;
if($content === NULL)
return TRUE;
return $content->canSubmit($engine, NULL, $error);
public function canUnpublish(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
Content $content = NULL, &$error = FALSE)
$credentials = $engine->getCredentials();
$error = _('Permission denied');
if($credentials->getUserID() == 0)
return FALSE;
$error = _('Only moderators can unpublish content');
return FALSE;
if($content === NULL)
return TRUE;
return $content->canUnpublish($engine, NULL, $error);
public function canUpdate(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
Content $content = NULL, &$error = FALSE)
$credentials = $engine->getCredentials();
$error = _('Anonymous updates are not allowed');
if($credentials->getUserID() == 0)
return FALSE;
if($content === NULL)
return TRUE;
return $content->canUpdate($engine, NULL, $error);
public function getContent(Engine $engine, $id, $title = FALSE,
Request $request = NULL)
$class = static::$content_class;
return $class::load($engine, $this, $id, $title);
public function getContentColumns($admin = FALSE)
$class = static::$content_class;
$columns = array('icon' => '', 'title' => _('Title'));
if($admin !== FALSE && $this->canEnable($this->engine))
$columns = array_merge($columns,
array('enabled' => _('Enabled')));
if($admin !== FALSE && $this->canPublish($this->engine))
$columns = array_merge($columns,
array('public' => _('Public')));
return array_merge($columns, $class::getColumns());
static protected $content_class = 'Content';
protected $content_headline_count = 6;
protected $content_list_count = 10;
protected $content_list_admin_count = 20;
protected $content_list_admin_order = 'timestamp DESC';
protected $content_preview_length = 150;
protected $engine;
protected $stock_back = 'back';
protected $stock_content_new = 'new';
protected $stock_content_submit = 'submit';
protected $text_content_admin = 'Content administration';
protected $text_content_headline_title = 'Content headlines';
protected $text_content_list_title = 'Content list';
protected $text_content_list_title_group = 'Content list for group';
protected $text_content_list_title_by = 'Content by';
protected $text_content_list_title_by_group = 'Content by group';
protected $text_content_publish = 'Publish';
protected $text_content_publish_progress
= 'Publication in progress, please wait...';
protected $text_content_redirect_progress
= 'Redirection in progress, please wait...';
protected $text_content_submit = 'Submit';
protected $text_content_submit_content = 'Submit content';
protected $text_content_submit_progress
= 'Submission in progress, please wait...';
protected $text_content_title = 'Content';
protected $text_content_update_progress
= 'Update in progress, please wait...';
//IN: module_id
// content_id
static protected $query_admin_delete = 'DELETE FROM daportal_content
WHERE module_id=:module_id
AND content_id=:content_id';
//IN: module_id
// content_id
static protected $query_admin_disable = "UPDATE daportal_content
SET enabled='0'
WHERE module_id=:module_id
AND content_id=:content_id";
//IN: module_id
// content_id
static protected $query_admin_enable = "UPDATE daportal_content
SET enabled='1'
WHERE module_id=:module_id
AND content_id=:content_id";
//IN: module_id
// content_id
static protected $query_admin_publish = "UPDATE daportal_content
SET public='1'
WHERE module_id=:module_id
AND content_id=:content_id";
//IN: module_id
// content_id
static protected $query_admin_unpublish = "UPDATE daportal_content
SET public='0'
WHERE module_id=:module_id
AND content_id=:content_id";
//IN: module_id
// content_id
// user_id
static protected $query_delete = 'DELETE FROM daportal_content
WHERE module_id=:module_id
AND content_id=:content_id
AND user_id=:user_id';
//IN: module_id
// content_id
// user_id
static protected $query_disable = "UPDATE daportal_content
SET enabled='0'
WHERE module_id=:module_id
AND content_id=:content_id AND user_id=:user_id";
//IN: module_id
// content_id
// user_id
static protected $query_enable = "UPDATE daportal_content
SET enabled='1'
WHERE module_id=:module_id
AND content_id=:content_id AND user_id=:user_id";
//IN: module_id
static protected $query_list_admin = 'SELECT content_id AS id, timestamp,
daportal_user_enabled.user_id AS user_id, username,
daportal_group.group_id AS group_id, groupname,
title, daportal_content.enabled AS enabled,
daportal_content.public AS public
FROM daportal_content, daportal_user_enabled, daportal_group
WHERE daportal_content.module_id=:module_id
AND daportal_content.user_id=daportal_user_enabled.user_id
AND daportal_content.group_id=daportal_group.group_id';
//IN: module_id
static protected $query_list_admin_count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
FROM daportal_content, daportal_user_enabled, daportal_group
WHERE daportal_content.module_id=:module_id
AND daportal_content.user_id=daportal_user_enabled.user_id
AND daportal_content.group_id=daportal_group.group_id';
//IN: module_id
// user_id
// content_id
static protected $query_publish = "UPDATE daportal_content
SET public='1'
WHERE module_id=:module_id
AND user_id=:user_id
AND content_id=:content_id";
//IN: module_id
// user_id
// content_id
static protected $query_unpublish = "UPDATE daportal_content
SET public='0'
WHERE module_id=:module_id
AND user_id=:user_id
AND content_id=:content_id";
protected function __construct($id, $name, $title = FALSE)
parent::__construct($id, $name, $title);
$this->text_content_admin = _('Content administration');
$this->text_content_headline_title = _('Content headlines');
$this->text_content_list_title = _('Content list');
$this->text_content_list_title_by = _('Content by');
$this->text_content_publish = _('Publish');
= _('Publication in progress, please wait...');
= _('Redirection in progress, please wait...');
$this->text_content_submit = _('Submit');
$this->text_content_submit_content = _('Submit content');
= _('Submission in progress, please wait...');
$this->text_content_title = _('Content');
= _('Update in progress, please wait...');
protected function formSubmit(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$r = $this->getRequest('submit');
$form = new PageElement('form', array('request' => $r));
$this->helperSubmitContent($engine, $request, $form);
$this->helperSubmitButtons($engine, $request, $form);
return $form;
protected function formUpdate(Engine $engine, Request $request,
Content $content)
//XXX the title may be wrong
$r = $content->getRequest('update');
$form = new PageElement('form', array('request' => $r));
$vbox = $form->append('vbox');
$this->helperUpdateContent($engine, $request, $content, $vbox);
$this->helperUpdateButtons($engine, $request, $content, $vbox);
return $form;
protected function actions(Engine $engine, Request $request)
//FIXME review
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
if(($user = $request->get('user')) !== FALSE)
return $this->helperActionsUser($engine, $request,
if(($group = $request->get('group')) !== FALSE)
return $this->helperActionsGroup($engine, $request,
$ret = array();
$r = $this->helperActionsAdmin($engine, $request);
$ret = array_merge($ret, $r);
if($request->get('admin') !== FALSE)
return $ret;
if($this->canSubmit($engine, $request))
$r = $this->helperActionsSubmit($engine, $request);
$ret = array_merge($ret, $r);
if(($r = $this->helperActions($engine, $request)) !== FALSE)
$ret = array_merge($ret, $r);
return $ret;
protected function callAdmin(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$db = $engine->getDatabase();
$query = static::$query_list_admin;
$args = array('module_id' => $this->id);
$p = $request->get('page');
$pcnt = FALSE;
$error = FALSE;
$dialog = FALSE;
//check credentials
if(!$this->canAdmin($engine, $request, NULL, $error))
$r = new Request('user', 'login');
$dialog = new PageElement('dialog', array(
'type' => 'error',
'text' => $error));
$dialog->append('button', array('stock' => 'login',
'text' => _('Login'),
'request' => $r));
return new PageResponse($dialog, Response::$CODE_EPERM);
//perform actions if necessary
if($request !== NULL)
$dialog = $this->helperAdminActions($engine, $request);
//administrative page
$title = $this->text_content_admin;
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$element = $page->append('title', array('stock' => 'admin',
'text' => $title));
if($dialog !== FALSE)
if(is_string(($order = $this->content_list_admin_order)))
$query .= ' ORDER BY '.$order;
if(($limit = $this->content_list_admin_count) > 0)
//obtain the total number of records available
$q = static::$query_list_admin_count;
if(($res = $db->query($engine, $q, $args)) !== FALSE
&& count($res) == 1)
$res = $res->current();
$pcnt = $res['count'];
if($pcnt !== FALSE)
$offset = FALSE;
if(is_numeric($p) && $p > 1)
$offset = $limit * ($p - 1);
if($offset >= $pcnt)
$offset = 0;
$query .= $db->offset($limit, $offset);
$error = _('Unable to list contents');
if(($res = $db->query($engine, $query, $args)) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error);
$r = $this->getRequest('admin');
if($request !== NULL
&& ($type = $request->get('type')) !== FALSE)
$r->set('type', $type);
$columns = $this->getContentColumns(TRUE);
$treeview = $page->append('treeview', array('request' => $r,
'columns' => $columns, 'alternate' => TRUE));
$this->helperAdminToolbar($engine, $treeview, $request);
foreach($res as $r)
$row = $treeview->append('row');
$this->helperAdminRow($engine, $row, $r);
//output paging information
$this->helperPaging($engine, $request, $page, $limit, $pcnt);
$vbox = $page->append('vbox');
$this->helperAdminButtons($engine, $vbox, $request);
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function callDefault(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$class = static::$content_class;
$p = $request->get('page');
if($request->getID() !== FALSE)
return $this->callDisplay($engine, $request);
$page = new Page(array('title' => $this->text_content_title));
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->name,
'text' => $this->text_content_title));
$error = _('Could not list the content available');
if(($res = $class::listAll($engine, $this, FALSE)) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error);
$count = $res->count();
$offset = 0;
if(($limit = $this->content_list_count) > 0)
if(is_numeric($p) && $p > 1)
$offset = $limit * ($p - 1);
$limit = $count;
for($res->seek($offset), $i = 0; $res->valid() && $i < $limit;
$res->next(), $i++)
$content = $res->current();
//output paging information
$this->helperPaging($engine, $request, $page, $limit, $count);
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function callDisplay(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$error = _('Could not display the content');
//obtain the content
if(($content = $this->getContent($engine, $request->getID(),
$request->getTitle(), $request)) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error,
//display the content
$response = $content->display($engine, $request);
if($response instanceof PageElement)
$page = new Page(array('title' => $content->getTitle()));
return new PageResponse($page);
return $response;
protected function callGroup(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$class = static::$content_class;
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
$db = $engine->getDatabase();
$group = Group::lookup($engine, $request->getTitle(),
$title = ($group !== FALSE)
? $this->text_content_list_title_by_group.' '
: $this->text_content_list_title_group;
$p = $request->get('page');
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$this->helperListTitle($engine, $page, $request);
$error = _('Unable to lookup the group');
if($group === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error,
$error = _('Unable to list the content');
if(($res = $class::listAll($engine, $this, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
$group)) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error);
$count = $res->count();
$offset = 0;
if(($limit = $this->content_list_count) > 0)
if(is_numeric($p) && $p > 1)
$offset = $limit * ($p - 1);
$limit = $count;
//FIXME some helpers should move to the Content class
$treeview = $this->helperListView($engine, $request);
$this->helperListToolbar($engine, $treeview, $request);
for($res->seek($offset), $i = 0; $res->valid() && $i < $limit;
$res->next(), $i++)
$content = $res->current();
//output paging information
$this->helperPaging($engine, $request, $page, $limit, $count);
$this->helperListButtons($engine, $page, $request);
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function callHeadline(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$class = static::$content_class;
$title = $this->text_content_headline_title;
$columns = array('title' => _('Title'), 'date' => _('Date'),
'username' => _('Author'));
$view = new PageElement('treeview', array('view' => 'details',
'title' => $title, 'columns' => $columns));
//obtain contents
$count = (is_integer($this->content_headline_count))
? $this->content_headline_count : 6;
$error = _('Unable to list contents');
if(($res = $class::listAll($engine, $this, 'timestamp',
$count, 0)) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error);
foreach($res as $r)
$row = $view->append('row');
$request = $r->getRequest();
$link = new PageElement('link', array(
'request' => $request,
'text' => $r->getTitle()));
$row->set('title', $link);
$row->set('timestamp', $r->get('timestamp'));
$row->set('date', $r->getDate($engine));
$request = new Request('user', FALSE, $r->getUserID(),
$link = new PageElement('link', array(
'request' => $request, 'stock' => 'user',
'text' => $r->getUsername()));
$row->set('username', $link);
$content = $r->getContent($engine);
if(($len = $this->content_preview_length) > 0
&& strlen($content) > $len)
$content = substr($content, 0, $len).'...';
$row->set('content', $content);
return new PageResponse($view);
protected function callList(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$class = static::$content_class;
$db = $engine->getDatabase();
$user = ($request->getID() !== FALSE)
? User::lookup($engine, $request->getTitle(),
$request->getID()) : FALSE;
$p = $request->get('page');
$error = _('Unable to list contents');
$dialog = FALSE;
//perform actions if necessary
$actions = array();
if($this->canPublish($engine, $request))
$actions[] = 'post';
if($this->canUnpublish($engine, $request))
$actions[] = 'unpost';
foreach($actions as $a)
if($request->get($a) !== FALSE)
$a = 'helper'.$a;
$dialog = $this->$a($engine, $request);
if($user !== FALSE && ($uid = $user->getUserID()) == 0)
$user = FALSE;
$title = $this->text_content_list_title;
if($user !== FALSE)
$title = $this->text_content_list_title_by.' '
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$this->helperListTitle($engine, $page, $request);
if($dialog !== FALSE)
if(($res = $class::listAll($engine, $this, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
$user)) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error);
$count = count($res);
$offset = 0;
if(($limit = $this->content_list_count) > 0)
if(is_numeric($p) && $p > 1)
$offset = $limit * ($p - 1);
$limit = $count;
//FIXME some helpers should move to the Content class
$treeview = $this->helperListView($engine, $request);
$this->helperListToolbar($engine, $treeview, $request);
for($i = $offset; $i < $offset + $limit && isset($res[$i]);
$content = $res[$i];
//output paging information
$this->helperPaging($engine, $request, $page, $limit, $count);
$this->helperListButtons($engine, $page, $request);
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function callPreview(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$error = _('Could not preview content');
//obtain the content
if(($content = $this->getContent($engine, $request->getID(),
$request->getTitle(), $request)) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error,
//preview the content
$page = new Page(array('title' => $content->getTitle()));
$page->append($content->preview($engine, $request));
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function callPublish(Engine $engine, Request $request)
//obtain the content
$error = _('Could not preview content');
if(($content = $this->getContent($engine, $request->getID(),
$request->getTitle(), $request)) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error,
//check permissions
$error = _('Permission denied');
if($this->canPublish($engine, $request, $content, $error)
=== FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error, Response::$CODE_EPERM);
//create the page
$title = $this->text_content_publish.' '.$content->getTitle();
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->name,
'text' => $title));
$this->helperToolbar($engine, $request, $content, $page);
//process the request
if(($error = $this->_publishProcess($engine, $request,
$content)) === FALSE)
return $this->_publishSuccess($engine, $request,
$content, $page);
else if(is_string($error))
$page->append('dialog', array('type' => 'error',
'text' => $error));
$vbox = $page->append('vbox');
$text = _('Preview: ').$content->getTitle();
//XXX do not preview the buttons
$r = $content->getRequest('publish');
$form = $page->append('form', array('request' => $r));
$r = $content->getRequest();
$form->append('button', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => 'cancel',
'target' => '_cancel', 'text' => _('Cancel')));
$form->append('button', array('type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'action', 'value' => 'publish',
'text' => $this->text_content_publish));
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function _publishProcess(Engine $engine, Request $request,
Content $content)
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
$db = $engine->getDatabase();
$query = static::$query_publish;
$args = array('module_id' => $this->id,
'content_id' => $content->getID(),
'user_id' => $cred->getUserID());
//verify the request
return TRUE;
//publish the content
if($db->query($engine, $query, $args) === FALSE)
return _('Internal server error');
return FALSE;
protected function _publishSuccess(Engine $engine, Request $request,
Content $content, $page)
$r = $content->getRequest();
return $this->helperRedirect($engine, $r, $page,
protected function callSubmit(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$title = $this->text_content_submit_content;
$code = 0;
$error = _('Could not submit content');
//check permissions
if($this->canSubmit($engine, $request, NULL, $error) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error,
//create the page
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->name,
'text' => $title));
//obtain the new content
$content = $this->_submitContent($engine, $request);
$this->helperToolbar($engine, $request, $content, $page);
//process the request
if(($error = $this->_submitProcess($engine, $request, $content))
=== FALSE)
return $this->_submitSuccess($engine, $request,
$content, $page);
else if(is_string($error))
$page->append('dialog', array('type' => 'error',
'text' => $error));
$code = Response::$CODE_EUNKNOWN;
$this->helperSubmitPreview($engine, $request, $content, $page);
$form = $this->formSubmit($engine, $request);
return new PageResponse($page, $code);
protected function _submitContent(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$class = static::$content_class;
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
$content = array('user_id' => $cred->getUserID(),
'username' => $cred->getUsername(),
'title' => $request->get('title'),
'content' => $request->get('content'));
if(($public = $request->get('public')) !== FALSE)
$content['public'] = $public ? TRUE : FALSE;
return new $class($engine, $this, $content);
protected function _submitProcess(Engine $engine, Request $request,
Content $content)
//verify the request
|| $request->get('_preview') !== FALSE)
return TRUE;
//store the content uploaded
$error = _('Internal server error');
if($content->save($engine, $request, $error) === FALSE)
return $error;
return FALSE;
protected function _submitSuccess(Engine $engine, Request $request,
Content $content, PageElement $page)
$r = $content->getRequest();
return $this->helperRedirect($engine, $r, $page,
protected function callUpdate(Engine $engine, Request $request)
//obtain the content
$error = _('Unable to fetch content');
if(($content = $this->getContent($engine, $request->getID(),
$request->getTitle(), $request)) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error,
//check permissions
$error = _('Could not update content');
if($this->canUpdate($engine, $request, NULL, $error) === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error, Response::$CODE_EPERM);
//create the page
$title = _('Update ').$content->getTitle();
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->name,
'text' => $title));
$this->helperToolbar($engine, $request, $content, $page);
//process the request
if(($error = $this->_updateProcess($engine, $request, $content))
=== FALSE)
return $this->_updateSuccess($engine, $request,
$content, $page);
else if(is_string($error))
$page->append('dialog', array('type' => 'error',
'text' => $error));
$this->helperUpdatePreview($engine, $request, $content, $page);
$form = $this->formUpdate($engine, $request, $content);
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function _updateProcess(Engine $engine, Request $request,
Content $content)
//verify the request
|| $request->get('_preview') !== FALSE)
return TRUE;
//update the content
$error = _('Internal server error');
if($content->save($engine, $request, $error) === FALSE)
return $error;
return FALSE;
protected function _updateSuccess(Engine $engine, Request $request,
Content $content, PageElement $page)
$r = $content->getRequest();
return $this->helperRedirect($engine, $r, $page,
protected function helperAction(Engine $engine, $stock,
Request $request, $text)
$icon = new PageElement('image', array('stock' => $stock));
$link = new PageElement('link', array('request' => $request,
'text' => $text));
return new PageElement('row', array('icon' => $icon,
'label' => $link));
protected function helperActions(Engine $engine, Request $request)
return FALSE;
protected function helperActionsAdmin(Engine $engine, Request $request)
if($request->get('admin') === 0)
return FALSE;
$ret = array();
$r = $this->getRequest('admin');
$ret[] = $this->helperAction($engine, 'admin', $r,
return $ret;
protected function helperActionsGroup(Engine $engine, Request $request,
Group $group)
$ret = array();
//group's content
$r = new Request($this->name, 'group', $group->getGroupID(),
$ret[] = $this->helperAction($engine, $this->name, $r,
.' '.$group->getGroupname());
return $ret;
protected function helperActionsList(Engine $engine, Request $request,
User $user)
$ret = array();
//user's content
$r = new Request($this->name, 'list', $user->getUserID(),
$ret[] = $this->helperAction($engine, $this->name, $r,
.' '.$user->getUsername());
return $ret;
protected function helperActionsSubmit(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$ret = array();
$r = $this->getRequest('submit');
$ret[] = $this->helperAction($engine, $this->stock_content_new,
$r, $this->text_content_submit_content);
return $ret;
protected function helperActionsUser(Engine $engine, Request $request,
User $user)
$ret = array();
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
if($user->getUserID() == $cred->getUserID()
&& $this->canSubmit($engine, $request))
$ret = $this->helperActionsSubmit($engine, $request);
if(($r = $this->helperActionsList($engine, $request, $user))
!== FALSE)
$ret = array_merge($ret, $r);
return $ret;
protected function helperAdminActions(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$actions = array('delete', 'disable', 'enable', 'post',
foreach($actions as $a)
if($request->get($a) !== FALSE)
$helper = 'helper'.$a;
if(!method_exists($this, $helper))
$error = $helper.': Unknown helper';
return $engine->log(LOG_DEBUG, $error);
return $this->$helper($engine, $request);
return FALSE;
protected function helperAdminButtons(Engine $engine, PageElement $page,
Request $request = NULL)
$r = $this->getRequest();
$page->append('link', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => $this->stock_back,
'text' => _('Back to this module')));
$r = new Request('admin');
$page->append('link', array('request' => $r, 'stock' => 'admin',
'text' => _('Back to the administration')));
protected function helperAdminRow(Engine $engine, PageElement $row,
$db = $engine->getDatabase();
$no = new PageElement('image', array('stock' => 'no',
'size' => 16, 'title' => _('Disabled')));
$yes = new PageElement('image', array('stock' => 'yes',
'size' => 16, 'title' => _('Enabled')));
$row->set('id', 'ids['.$res['id'].']');
$row->set('icon', '');
$r = new Request($this->name, 'update', $res['id'],
$link = new PageElement('link', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => $this->name,
'text' => $res['title']));
$row->set('title', $link);
$row->set('enabled', $db->isTrue($res['enabled']) ? $yes : $no);
$row->set('public', $db->isTrue($res['public']) ? $yes : $no);
$r = new Request('user', FALSE, $res['user_id'],
$link = new PageElement('link', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => 'user',
'text' => $res['username']));
$row->set('username', $link);
$date = $db->formatDate($res['timestamp']);
$row->set('date', $date);
protected function helperAdminToolbar(Engine $engine, PageElement $page,
Request $request = NULL)
$actions = array('disable' => _('Disable'),
'enable' => _('Enable'),
'unpost' => _('Unpublish'),
'post' => _('Publish'),
'delete' => _('Delete'));
$toolbar = $page->append('toolbar');
$r = $this->getRequest('admin', array(
'page' => $request->get('page')));
$toolbar->append('button', array('stock' => 'refresh',
'request' => $r,
'text' => _('Refresh')));
$toolitems = array();
foreach($actions as $action => $label)
$method = 'can'.$action;
if(method_exists($this, $method)
&& $this->$method($engine, $request))
$toolitems[$action] = $label;
foreach($toolitems as $action => $label)
$toolbar->append('button', array('stock' => $action,
'text' => $label, 'type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'action',
'value' => $action));
return $toolbar;
protected function helperApply(Engine $engine, Request $request,
$query, $args, $success, $failure, $key = FALSE)
if($key === FALSE)
$key = 'content_id';
return parent::helperApply($engine, $request, $query, $args,
$success, $failure, $key);
protected function helperDelete(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$query = static::$query_delete;
$args = array('module_id' => $this->getID());
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
$error = _('Permission denied');
if(!$this->canDelete($engine, $request, NULL, $error))
return new PageElement('dialog', array(
'type' => 'error', 'text' => $error));
$query = static::$query_admin_delete;
$args['user_id'] = $cred->getUserID();
return $this->helperApply($engine, $request, $query, $args,
_('Content could be deleted successfully'),
_('Some content could not be deleted'));
protected function helperDisable(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$query = static::$query_disable;
$args = array('module_id' => $this->getID());
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
$error = _('Permission denied');
if(!$this->canDisable($engine, $request, NULL, $error))
return new PageElement('dialog', array(
'type' => 'error', 'text' => $error));
$query = static::$query_admin_disable;
$args['user_id'] = $cred->getUserID();
return $this->helperApply($engine, $request, $query, $args,
_('Content could be disabled successfully'),
_('Some content could not be disabled'));
protected function helperEnable(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$query = static::$query_enable;
$args = array('module_id' => $this->getID());
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
$error = _('Permission denied');
if(!$this->canEnable($engine, $request, NULL, $error))
return new PageElement('dialog', array(
'type' => 'error', 'text' => $error));
$query = static::$query_admin_enable;
$args['user_id'] = $cred->getUserID();
return $this->helperApply($engine, $request, $query, $args,
_('Content could be enabled successfully'),
_('Some content could not be enabled'));
protected function helperListButtons(Engine $engine, PageElement $page,
Request $request = NULL)
$user = ($request !== NULL)
? User::lookup($engine, $request->getTitle(),
$request->getID()) : FALSE;
if($user === FALSE || ($uid = $user->getUserID()) == 0)
$uid = FALSE;
$r = ($uid !== FALSE)
? new Request('user', 'display', $user->getUserID(),
: $this->getRequest();
$page->append('link', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => $this->stock_back,
'text' => _('Back')));
protected function helperListTitle(Engine $engine, PageElement $page,
Request $request = NULL)
$title = $page->get('title');
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->name,
'text' => $title));
protected function helperListToolbar(Engine $engine, PageElement $page,
Request $request)
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
$user = ($request->getID() !== FALSE)
? User::lookup($engine, $request->getTitle(),
$request->getID()) : FALSE;
if($user === FALSE || ($uid = $user->getUserID()) == 0)
$uid = FALSE;
$r = new Request($this->name, 'list', $uid,
$uid ? $user->getUsername() : FALSE);
$toolbar = $page->append('toolbar');
$toolbar->append('button', array('stock' => 'refresh',
'text' => _('Refresh'),
'request' => $r));
$r = $this->getRequest('submit');
if($this->canSubmit($engine, $request))
$toolbar->append('button', array(
'stock' => $this->stock_content_submit,
'request' => $r,
'text' => $this->text_content_submit_content));
if($uid !== FALSE && $uid === $cred->getUserID()
&& $this->canPublish($engine, $request))
$toolbar->append('button', array('stock' => 'post',
'text' => _('Publish'),
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'action',
'value' => 'post'));
$toolbar->append('button', array('stock' => 'unpost',
'text' => _('Unpublish'),
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'action',
'value' => 'unpost'));
protected function helperListView(Engine $engine,
Request $request = NULL)
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
$user = ($request !== NULL && $request->getID() !== FALSE)
? User::lookup($engine, $request->getTitle(),
$request->getID()) : FALSE;
$r = FALSE;
if($user === FALSE || ($uid = $user->getUserID()) == 0)
$uid = FALSE;
if($uid === $cred->getUserID())
$r = new Request($this->name, 'list', $uid,
$uid ? $user->getUsername() : FALSE);
$columns = $this->getContentColumns(
($uid === $cred->getUserID()) ? TRUE : FALSE);
return new PageElement('treeview', array('request' => $r,
'columns' => $columns));
protected function helperPaging(Engine $engine, Request $request,
PageElement $page, $limit, $pcnt)
$action = $request->getAction();
$id = $request->getID();
$title = $request->getTitle();
$args = $request->getParameters();
if($pcnt === FALSE || $limit <= 0 || $pcnt <= $limit)
if(($pcur = $request->get('page')) === FALSE)
$pcur = 1;
$pcnt = ceil($pcnt / $limit);
$r = new Request($this->name, $action, $id, $title, $args);
$form = $page->append('form', array('idempotent' => TRUE,
'request' => $r));
$hbox = $form->append('hbox');
//first page
$hbox->append('link', array('stock' => 'gotofirst',
'request' => $r, 'text' => ''));
//previous page
$a = $args;
$a['page'] = max(1, $pcur - 1);
$r = new Request($this->name, $action, $id, $title, $a);
$hbox->append('link', array('stock' => 'previous',
'request' => $r, 'text' => ''));
$hbox->append('entry', array('name' => 'page', 'width' => '4',
'value' => $pcur));
$hbox->append('label', array('text' => " / $pcnt"));
//next page
$args['page'] = min($pcur + 1, $pcnt);
$r = new Request($this->name, $action, $id, $title, $args);
$hbox->append('link', array('stock' => 'next',
'request' => $r, 'text' => ''));
//last page
$args['page'] = $pcnt;
$r = new Request($this->name, $action, $id, $title, $args);
$hbox->append('link', array('stock' => 'gotolast',
'request' => $r, 'text' => ''));
protected function helperPost(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$query = static::$query_publish;
$args = array('module_id' => $this->getID());
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
$error = _('Permission denied');
if(!$this->canPublish($engine, $request, NULL, $error))
return new PageElement('dialog', array(
'type' => 'error', 'text' => $error));
$query = static::$query_admin_publish;
$args['user_id'] = $cred->getUserID();
return $this->helperApply($engine, $request, $query, $args,
_('Content could be published successfully'),
_('Some content could not be published'));
protected function helperRedirect(Engine $engine, Request $request,
PageElement $page, $text = FALSE)
if($text === FALSE)
$text = $this->text_content_redirect_progress;
$page->set('location', $engine->getURL($request));
$page->set('refresh', 30);
$box = $page->append('vbox');
$box->append('label', array('text' => $text));
$box = $box->append('hbox');
$text = _('If you are not redirected within 30 seconds, please ');
$box->append('label', array('text' => $text));
$box->append('link', array('text' => _('click here'),
'request' => $request));
$box->append('label', array('text' => '.'));
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function helperSubmitButtons(Engine $engine, Request $request,
PageElement $page)
$r = $this->getRequest();
$hbox = $page->append('hbox');
$hbox->append('button', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => 'cancel',
'target' => '_cancel', 'text' => _('Cancel')));
if($this->canPreview($engine, $request))
$hbox->append('button', array('type' => 'submit',
'stock' => 'preview',
'name' => 'action',
'value' => '_preview',
'text' => _('Preview')));
$hbox->append('button', array('type' => 'submit',
'stock' => $this->stock_content_submit,
'text' => $this->text_content_submit,
'name' => 'action', 'value' => '_submit'));
protected function helperSubmitContent(Engine $engine, Request $request,
PageElement $page)
$class = static::$content_class;
$content = new $class($engine, $this);
$page->append($content->form($engine, $request));
protected function helperSubmitPreview(Engine $engine, Request $request,
Content $content, PageElement $page)
if($this->canPreview($engine, $request, $content) === FALSE
|| $request->get('_preview') === FALSE)
$page->append($content->formPreview($engine, $request));
protected function helperToolbar(Engine $engine,
Request $request = NULL, Content $content = NULL,
PageElement $page)
$class = static::$content_class;
if($content === NULL)
$content = new $class($engine, $this);
return $page->append($content->displayToolbar($engine,
protected function helperUnpost(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$query = static::$query_unpublish;
$args = array('module_id' => $this->getID());
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
$error = _('Permission denied');
if(!$this->canUnpublish($engine, $request, NULL, $error))
return new PageElement('dialog', array(
'type' => 'error', 'text' => $error));
$query = static::$query_admin_unpublish;
$args['user_id'] = $cred->getUserID();
return $this->helperApply($engine, $request, $query, $args,
_('Content could be unpublished successfully'),
_('Some content could not be unpublished'));
protected function helperUpdateContent(Engine $engine, Request $request,
Content $content, PageElement $page)
$page->append($content->form($engine, $request));
protected function helperUpdatePreview(Engine $engine, Request $request,
Content $content, PageElement $page)
if($this->canPreview($engine, $request, $content) === FALSE
|| $request->get('_preview') === FALSE)
$page->append($content->formPreview($engine, $request));
protected function helperUpdateButtons(Engine $engine, Request $request,
Content $content, PageElement $page)
$hbox = $page->append('hbox');
$r = new Request($this->name, FALSE, $request->getID(),
$hbox->append('button', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => 'cancel',
'target' => '_cancel', 'text' => _('Cancel')));
$hbox->append('button', array('type' => 'reset',
'stock' => 'reset', 'text' => _('Reset')));
if($this->canPreview($engine, $request))
$hbox->append('button', array('type' => 'submit',
'stock' => 'preview',
'name' => 'action',
'value' => '_preview',
'text' => _('Preview')));
$hbox->append('button', array('type' => 'submit',
'stock' => 'update', 'name' => 'action',
'value' => '_submit', 'text' => _('Update')));