
<?php //$Id$
//Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Pierre Pronchery <khorben@defora.org>
//This file is part of DeforaOS Web DaPortal
//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
abstract class DownloadContent extends ContentMulti
public function __construct(Engine $engine, Module $module,
$properties = FALSE)
$this->fields['download_id'] = 'Download ID';
$this->fields['parent_id'] = 'Parent';
$this->fields['mode'] = 'Permissions';
$this->set('parent_id', NULL);
parent::__construct($engine, $module, $properties);
public function canSubmit(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
&$error = FALSE)
if(parent::canSubmit($engine, $request, $error) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
if($request === NULL)
return TRUE;
//forbid empty filenames
$filename = $this->getFilenameSubmitted($request);
if(!is_string($filename) || strlen($filename) == 0)
$error = _('The filename must be specified');
return FALSE;
//check for filename unicity
$module = $this->getModule();
if(($parent = $this->getParentSubmitted($request)) !== FALSE)
$class = $module::getContentClass('folder');
if(($parent = $class::loadByDownloadID($engine,
$module, $parent)) === FALSE)
$error = _('Could not load the parent');
return FALSE;
if(($files = static::_listFiles($engine, $module, FALSE, FALSE,
FALSE, FALSE, 0, $parent)) === FALSE)
$error = _('Could not obtain the file list');
return FALSE;
foreach($files as $f)
if($f['title'] == $filename)
$error = _('This file already exists');
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static public function getRoot(Engine $engine, $name = FALSE)
global $config;
$error = 'The download repository is not configured';
if($name === FALSE)
$name = 'download';
if(($root = $config->get('module::'.$name, 'root'))
=== FALSE)
return $engine->log(LOG_ERR, $error);
return $root;
static public function listAll(Engine $engine, Module $module,
$order = FALSE, $limit = FALSE, $offset = FALSE,
$user = FALSE)
return static::listFiles($engine, $module, $order, $limit,
$offset, $user);
static protected $list_order = 'isdir DESC, title ASC';
static protected $S_IFDIR = 512;
static protected $list_mask = 0;
static protected $load_title = 'daportal_content_enabled.title';
//IN: module_id
static protected $query_list = 'SELECT
daportal_content.content_id AS id, timestamp,
module_id, module, user_id, username, group_id, groupname,
title, enabled, public, download_id, mode, mode & 512 AS isdir
FROM daportal_content_public AS daportal_content,
WHERE daportal_content.content_id=daportal_download.content_id
AND module_id=:module_id';
//IN: module_id
// group_id
static protected $query_list_group = 'SELECT
daportal_content.content_id AS id,
timestamp, module_id, module,
daportal_content.user_id AS user_id, username,
daportal_content.group_id AS group_id,
daportal_content.groupname AS groupname, title, content,
daportal_content.enabled AS enabled, public,
download_id, mode, mode & 512 AS isdir
FROM daportal_content_public AS daportal_content,
daportal_download, daportal_user_group, daportal_group_enabled
WHERE daportal_content.content_id=daportal_download.content_id
AND module_id=:module_id
AND daportal_content.user_id=daportal_user_group.user_id
AND daportal_user_group.group_id=daportal_group_enabled.group_id
AND (daportal_user_group.group_id=:group_id
OR daportal_content.group_id=:group_id)';
//IN: module_id
// user_id
static protected $query_list_user = 'SELECT
daportal_content.content_id AS id, timestamp,
module_id, module, user_id, username, group_id, groupname,
title, enabled, public, download_id, mode, mode & 512 AS isdir
FROM daportal_content_public AS daportal_content,
WHERE daportal_content.content_id=daportal_download.content_id
AND module_id=:module_id
AND user_id=:user_id';
//IN: module_id
// user_id
static protected $query_list_user_private = 'SELECT
daportal_content.content_id AS id, timestamp,
module_id, module, user_id, username, group_id, groupname,
title, enabled, public, download_id, mode, mode & 512 AS isdir
FROM daportal_content_enabled AS daportal_content,
WHERE daportal_content.content_id=daportal_download.content_id
AND module_id=:module_id
AND user_id=:user_id';
public function get($property)
if($property == 'parent_id' && parent::get($property) === NULL)
return FALSE;
return parent::get($property);
abstract protected function getFilenameSubmitted(
Request $request = NULL);
abstract protected function getParentSubmitted(Request $request = NULL);
protected function getIcon(Engine $engine, $size = 16)
return Mime::getIconByType($engine, 'inode/directory',
return Mime::getIcon($engine, $this->getTitle(), $size);
protected function getPermissions($mode = FALSE)
if($mode === FALSE)
$mode = $this->get('mode');
return Common::getPermissions($mode, static::$S_IFDIR);
protected function isDirectory($mode = FALSE)
if($mode === FALSE)
$mode = $this->get('mode');
return ($mode & static::$S_IFDIR) ? TRUE : FALSE;
static protected function listFiles(Engine $engine, Module $module,
$order = FALSE, $limit = FALSE, $offset = FALSE,
$user = FALSE, $mask = FALSE, $parent = FALSE)
if(($res = static::_listFiles($engine, $module, $order, $limit,
$offset, $user, $mask, $parent)) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
return static::listFromResults($engine, $module, $res);
static protected function _listFiles(Engine $engine, Module $module,
$order, $limit, $offset, $user, $mask = FALSE,
$parent = FALSE)
$vbox = new PageElement('vbox');
$database = $engine->getDatabase();
$query = static::$query_list;
$args = array('module_id' => $module->getID());
if($parent !== FALSE && ($id = $parent->get('download_id'))
!== FALSE)
$query .= ' AND daportal_download.parent=:parent_id';
$args['parent_id'] = $id;
$query .= ' AND daportal_download.parent IS NULL';
if($mask === FALSE)
$mask = static::$S_IFDIR;
if($mask != 0)
$query .= ' AND (mode & :mask) > 0';
$args['mask'] = $mask;
$order = static::getOrder($engine, $order);
if(($res = static::query($engine, $query, $args, $order, $limit,
$offset)) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
return $res;