
<?php //$Id$
//Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Pierre Pronchery <khorben@defora.org>
//This file is part of DeforaOS Web DaPortal
//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class ProjectModule extends MultiContentModule
public function call(Engine $engine, Request $request, $internal = 0)
return parent::call($engine, $request, $internal);
switch(($action = $request->getAction()))
case 'bug_list':
return $this->callBugList($engine, $request);
case 'bug_reply':
return $this->callBugReply($engine, $request);
case 'browse':
case 'gallery':
case 'members':
case 'homepage':
case 'timeline':
return $this->callDisplay($engine, $request);
case 'bugList':
case 'bugReply':
case 'download':
case 'latest':
$action = 'call'.$action;
return $this->$action($engine, $request);
return parent::call($engine, $request, $internal);
static public function attachSCM(Engine $engine, $name, &$error = FALSE)
//XXX use $module->getName()
$module = 'project';
$error = _('No SCM configured for this project');
if(strpos($name, '/') !== FALSE || strlen($name) == 0)
return FALSE;
$error = _('Internal server error');
$filename = "./modules/$module/scm/$name.php";
$res = include_once($filename);
if($res === FALSE)
return FALSE;
$name = $name.'SCMProject';
$ret = new $name();
$engine->log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Attaching '.get_class($ret));
return $ret;
static protected $content_classes = array('project' => 'ProjectContent',
'bug' => 'BugProjectContent',
'bugreply' => 'BugReplyProjectContent',
'download' => 'DownloadProjectContent',
'screenshot' => 'ScreenshotProjectContent');
//FIXME use daportal_user_enabled and daportal_content_public
static protected $query_list_admin_bugs = "SELECT
daportal_content.content_id AS id, bug_id,
daportal_content.enabled AS enabled,
daportal_content.public AS public,
timestamp, name AS module,
daportal_user.user_id AS user_id, username, title
FROM daportal_content, daportal_module, daportal_user,
WHERE daportal_content.module_id=daportal_module.module_id
AND daportal_module.module_id=:module_id
AND daportal_content.user_id=daportal_user.user_id
AND daportal_user.enabled='1'
AND daportal_content.content_id=daportal_bug.content_id";
static protected $query_list_admin_bugs_count = "SELECT
COUNT(*) AS count
FROM daportal_content, daportal_module, daportal_user,
WHERE daportal_content.module_id=daportal_module.module_id
AND daportal_module.module_id=:module_id
AND daportal_content.user_id=daportal_user.user_id
AND daportal_user.enabled='1'
AND daportal_content.content_id=daportal_bug.content_id";
//IN: module_id
static protected $query_list_bugs = 'SELECT bug.content_id AS id,
bug.timestamp AS timestamp,
bug.module_id AS module_id, bug.module AS module,
bug.user_id AS user_id, bug.username AS username,
bug.group_id AS group_id, bug.groupname AS groupname,
bug.title AS title, bug.content AS content,
bug.enabled AS enabled, bug.public AS public,
bug_id, type, state, priority, assigned,
daportal_bug.project_id AS project_id,
project.title AS project
FROM daportal_content_public bug, daportal_bug,
daportal_content_public project, daportal_project
WHERE bug.content_id=daportal_bug.content_id
AND project.content_id=daportal_bug.project_id
AND daportal_project.project_id=project.content_id
AND bug.module_id=:module_id';
//IN: project_id
// download_id
static protected $project_query_project_download_insert = 'INSERT INTO
daportal_project_download (project_id, download_id)
VALUES (:project_id, :download_id)';
protected function __construct($id, $name, $title = FALSE)
$title = ($title === FALSE) ? _('Projects') : $title;
$this->content_list_count = 20;
parent::__construct($id, $name, $title);
protected function canDownload(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
Content $content = NULL)
if($content === NULL)
$content = new ProjectContent($engine, $this);
return $content->canDownload($engine, $request);
protected function canUpload(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL,
Content $content = NULL)
if($content === NULL)
$content = new ProjectContent($engine, $this);
return $content->canUpload($engine, $request);
protected function getBugByID(Engine $engine, $id)
return BugProjectContent::loadFromBugID($engine, $this, $id);
protected function getFilter(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$r = new Request($this->name, 'bug_list');
$form = new PageElement('form', array('request' => $r,
'idempotent' => TRUE));
$hbox = $form->append('hbox');
$vbox1 = $hbox->append('vbox');
$vbox2 = $hbox->append('vbox');
//FIXME fetch the project name in additional cases
$vbox1->append('entry', array('name' => 'project',
'value' => $request->get('project'),
'text' => _('Project: ')));
$vbox2->append('entry', array('name' => 'username',
'value' => $request->get('username'),
'text' => _('Submitted by: ')));
//FIXME implement the rest
$bbox = $vbox2->append('hbox');
$bbox->append('button', array('stock' => 'reset',
'type' => 'reset',
'text' => _('Reset')));
$bbox->append('button', array('stock' => 'submit',
'type' => 'submit',
'text' => _('Filter')));
return $form;
protected function getMembers(Engine $engine, ProjectContent $project)
return $project->getMembers($engine);
protected function _getProjectByName(Engine $engine, $name)
return ProjectContent::loadFromName($engine, $this, $name);
protected function isManager(Engine $engine, ProjectContent $project)
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
|| $project->getUserID() == $cred->getUserID())
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
protected function isMember(Engine $engine, ProjectContent $project)
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
if(($members = $project->getMembers($engine)) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
$uid = $cred->getUserID();
if($project->getUserID() == $uid)
return TRUE;
foreach($members as $m)
if($m->getUserID() == $uid)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
protected function setContext(Engine $engine = NULL,
Request $request = NULL, Content $content = NULL)
parent::setContext($engine, $request, $content);
case 'BugProjectContent':
= _('Bugs administration');
= _('Bug reports');
= _('Bugs reported by');
= _('Bugs reported by group');
= _('Report bug');
case 'BugReplyProjectContent':
= _('Bug replies administration');
= _('Bug replies');
= _('Bug replies by');
= _('Bug replies by group');
= _('Reply to a bug');
case 'DownloadProjectContent':
= _('Project downloads administration');
= _('Project download list');
= _('Project downloads from');
= _('Project downloads from group');
= _('New download');
case 'ScreenshotProjectContent':
= _('Project screenshots administration');
= _('Project screenshot list');
= _('Project screenshots from');
= _('Project screenshots from group');
= _('New screenshot');
case 'ProjectContent':
= _('Projects administration');
= _('Project list');
= _('Projects from');
= _('Projects from group');
= _('New project');
protected function callAdmin(Engine $engine, Request $request)
case 'bug':
return $this->_adminBugs($engine, $request);
case 'project':
return parent::callAdmin($engine, $request);
private function _adminBugs(Engine $engine, Request $request)
//FIXME also set the columns
$this->text_content_admin = _('Bugs administration');
static::$query_list_admin = static::$query_list_admin_bugs;
= static::$query_list_admin_bugs_count;
return parent::callAdmin($engine, $request);
protected function callBugList(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$db = $engine->getDatabase();
$title = _('Bug reports');
$error = FALSE;
//FIXME use BugProjectContent::listAll() instead
$query = static::$query_list_bugs;
$project = FALSE;
//XXX unlike ProjectModule::list() here getID() is the project
//determine the current project
if(($id = $request->getID()) !== FALSE
&& ($project = $this->getContent($engine, $id,
$request->getTitle(), $request))
=== FALSE)
$error = _('Unknown project');
else if(($name = $request->get('project')) !== FALSE
&& strlen($name) > 0)
if(($project = $this->_getProjectByName($engine,
$name)) !== FALSE)
$id = $project->getID();
$error = _('Unknown project');
$args = array('module_id' => $this->id);
if($project !== FALSE)
$title = _('Bug reports for ').$project->getTitle();
$query .= ' AND daportal_bug.project_id=:project_id';
$args['project_id'] = $id;
$filter = $this->getFilter($engine, $request);
//filter by user_id
if(($uid = $request->get('user_id')) !== FALSE)
$title .= _(' by ').$uid; //XXX
$query .= ' AND bug.user_id=:user_id';
$args['user_id'] = $uid;
//sorting out
switch(($order = $request->get('sort')))
case 'date': $order = 'bug.timestamp DESC'; break;
case 'title': $order = 'bug.title ASC'; break;
default: $order = 'bug_id DESC'; break;
$query .= ' ORDER BY '.$order;
//obtain the corresponding bug reports
if($error !== FALSE)
$res = FALSE;
else if(($res = $db->query($engine, $query, $args)) === FALSE)
$res = FALSE;
$error = _('Unable to list bugs');
$res = new ContentResult($engine, $this,
'BugProjectContent', $res);
//build the page
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->name,
'text' => $title));
if($project !== FALSE)
if($error !== FALSE)
$page->append('dialog', array('type' => 'error',
'text' => $error));
if($filter !== FALSE)
$view = $page->append('treeview');
$view->set('columns', BugProjectContent::getColumns());
if($res === FALSE)
return new PageResponse($page);
foreach($res as $r)
$view->append($r->displayRow($engine, $request));
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function callBugReply(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$cred = $engine->getCredentials();
$user = new User($engine, $cred->getUserID());
if(($bug = BugProjectContent::load($engine, $this,
$request->getID(), $request->getTitle()))
=== FALSE)
return $this->callDefault($engine, new Request());
$project = $this->getContent($engine, $bug->get('project_id'));
$title = sprintf(_('Reply to #%u/%s: %s'), $bug->get('bug_id'),
$project->getTitle(), $bug->getTitle());
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->name,
'text' => $title));
//FIXME process the request
$vbox = $page->append('vbox'); //XXX for the title level
$vbox->append($bug->display($engine, $request));
if($request->get('preview') !== FALSE)
$title = $request->get('title');
$content = $request->get('content');
$reply = array('title' => _('Preview: ').$title,
'user_id' => $user->getUserID(),
'username' => $user->getUsername(),
'content' => $content);
$reply = new BugReplyProjectContent($engine, $this,
$vbox->append($reply->display($engine, $request));
$form = $this->formBugReply($engine, $request, $bug, $project);
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function callDefault(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$title = _('Projects');
$latest = $this->canDownload($engine, $request)
? array('project', 'download', 'bug', 'screenshot')
: array('project', 'bug');
if($request !== NULL && $request->getID() !== FALSE)
return $this->callDisplay($engine, $request);
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->getName(),
'text' => $title));
$hbox = $page->append('hbox');
foreach($latest as $l)
$request = $this->getRequest('latest', array(
'type' => $l));
$response = $this->call($engine, $request);
if($response instanceof PageResponse)
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function callDownload(Engine $engine, Request $request)
if($request->getID() !== FALSE)
return $this->callDisplay($engine, $request);
$request = $this->getRequest('latest', array(
'type' => 'download'));
return $this->callLatest($engine, $request);
protected function callLatest(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$type = $request->get('type');
case 'bug':
return $this->_latestBugReports($engine,
case 'download':
return $this->_latestDownloads($engine,
case 'screenshot':
return $this->_latestScreenshots($engine,
case 'project':
return $this->_latestProjects($engine,
private function _latestBugReports(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$title = _('Latest bug reports');
//list the latest bug reports
$page = new Page($title);
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->getName(),
'text' => $title));
$vbox = $page->append('vbox');
if(($bugs = BugProjectContent::listAll($engine, $this,
'timestamp', $this->content_headline_count))
=== FALSE)
$error = _('Could not list bug reports');
return new ErrorResponse($error);
$columns = BugProjectContent::getColumns();
$view = $vbox->append('treeview', array('columns' => $columns));
foreach($bugs as $b)
$view->append($b->displayRow($engine, $request));
$vbox->append('link', array('stock' => 'more',
'text' => _('More bug reports...'),
'request' => $this->getRequest('list', array(
'type' => 'bug'))));
return new PageResponse($page);
private function _latestProjects(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$title = _('Latest projects');
//list the latest projects
$page = new Page($title);
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->getName(),
'text' => $title));
$vbox = $page->append('vbox');
if(($projects = ProjectContent::listAll($engine, $this,
'timestamp', $this->content_headline_count))
=== FALSE)
$error = _('Could not list projects');
return new ErrorResponse($error);
$columns = ProjectContent::getColumns();
$view = $vbox->append('treeview', array('columns' => $columns));
foreach($projects as $p)
$view->append($p->displayRow($engine, $request));
$vbox->append('link', array('stock' => 'more',
'text' => _('More projects...'),
'request' => $this->getRequest('list', array(
'type' => 'project'))));
return new PageResponse($page);
private function _latestDownloads(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$title = _('Latest downloads');
//list the latest downloads
$page = new Page($title);
$page->append('title', array('stock' => 'download',
'text' => $title));
$vbox = $page->append('vbox');
if(($downloads = DownloadProjectContent::listAll($engine, $this,
'timestamp', $this->content_headline_count))
=== FALSE)
$error = _('Could not list downloads');
return new ErrorResponse($error);
$columns = DownloadProjectContent::getColumns();
$view = $vbox->append('treeview', array('columns' => $columns));
foreach($downloads as $d)
$view->append($d->displayRow($engine, $request));
$vbox->append('link', array('stock' => 'more',
'text' => _('More downloads...'),
'request' => $this->getRequest('list', array(
'type' => 'download'))));
return new PageResponse($page);
private function _latestScreenshots(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$title = _('Latest screenshots');
//list the latest screenshots
$page = new Page($title);
$page->append('title', array('stock' => 'gallery',
'text' => $title));
$vbox = $page->append('vbox');
if(($screenshots = ScreenshotProjectContent::listAll($engine,
$this, 'timestamp', $this->content_headline_count))
=== FALSE)
$error = _('Could not list screenshots');
return new ErrorResponse($error);
$columns = ScreenshotProjectContent::getColumns();
$view = $vbox->append('treeview', array(
'view' => 'thumbnails'));
foreach($screenshots as $s)
$view->append($s->displayRow($engine, $request));
$vbox->append('link', array('stock' => 'more',
'text' => _('More screenshots...'),
'request' => $this->getRequest('list', array(
'type' => 'screenshot'))));
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function callSubmitRelease(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$project = $this->getContent($engine, $request->getID(),
$request->getTitle(), $request);
$error = _('Invalid project');
if($project === FALSE)
return new ErrorResponse($error,
$error = _('Permission denied');
if(!$this->canUpload($engine, $request, $project))
return new ErrorResponse($error, Response::$CODE_EPERM);
$title = _('New download for project ').$project->getTitle();
$page = new Page(array('title' => $title));
$page->append('title', array('stock' => $this->name,
'text' => $title));
//process the request
if(($error = $this->_submitProcessRelease($engine, $request,
$project, $content)) === FALSE)
return $this->_submitSuccessRelease($engine, $request,
$page, $content);
else if(is_string($error))
$page->append('dialog', array('type' => 'error',
'text' => $error));
$form = $this->formSubmitRelease($engine, $request, $project);
return new PageResponse($page);
protected function _submitProcessRelease(Engine $engine,
Request $request, $project, &$content)
$db = $engine->getDatabase();
$query = static::$project_query_project_download_insert;
//verify the request
return TRUE;
//FIXME obtain the download path
//XXX this assumes the file was just being uploaded
$r = new Request('download', 'submit', FALSE, FALSE,
array('submit' => 'submit'));
if($engine->process($r, TRUE) === FALSE)
return _('Internal server error');
//XXX ugly (and race condition)
//XXX using download_id to workaround a bug in getLastID()
if(($did = $db->getLastID($engine, 'daportal_download',
'download_id')) === FALSE)
return _('Internal server error');
$q = 'SELECT content_id AS id FROM daportal_download'
.' WHERE download_id=:download_id';
$args = array('download_id' => $did);
if(($res = $db->query($engine, $q, $args)) === FALSE
|| count($res) != 1)
return _('Internal server error');
$res = $res->current();
$did = $res['id'];
$args = array('project_id' => $project['id'],
'download_id' => $did);
if($db->query($engine, $query, $args) === FALSE)
return _('Internal server error');
$content = Content::load($engine, $this, $project['id'],
return FALSE;
protected function _submitSuccessRelease(Engine $engine,
Request $request, $page, Content $content)
$r = new Request($this->name, 'download', $content->getID(),
return $this->helperRedirect($engine, $r, $page,
$this->text_content_submit_progress); //XXX
protected function formBugReply(Engine $engine, Request $request,
BugProjectContent $bug, $project)
$r = new Request($this->name, 'bugReply', $request->getID(),
$form = new PageElement('form', array('request' => $r));
$vbox = $form->append('vbox');
$title = $request->get('title');
$vbox->append('entry', array('text' => _('Title: '),
'name' => 'title', 'value' => $title));
$vbox->append('textview', array('text' => _('Content: '),
'name' => 'content',
'value' => $request->get('content')));
//FIXME really implement
$r = $bug->getRequest();
$box = $vbox->append('buttonbox');
$box->append('button', array('request' => $r,
'stock' => 'cancel',
'target' => '_cancel', 'text' => _('Cancel')));
$box->append('button', array('type' => 'submit',
'stock' => 'preview', 'name' => 'action',
'value' => 'preview', 'text' => _('Preview')));
//FIXME add missing buttons
return $form;
protected function formSubmitRelease(Engine $engine, Request $request,
ProjectContent $project)
$r = new Request($this->name, 'submit', $project->getID(),
$project->getTitle(), array('type' => 'download'));
$form = new PageElement('form', array('request' => $r));
$form->append('filechooser', array('text' => _('File: '),
'name' => 'files[]'));
$value = $request->get('directory');
$form->append('entry', array('text' => _('Directory: '),
'name' => 'directory', 'value' => $value));
$r = new Request($this->name, 'download', $project->getID(),
$form->append('button', array('stock' => 'cancel',
'request' => $r,
'target' => '_cancel', 'text' => _('Cancel')));
$form->append('button', array('type' => 'submit',
'text' => _('Submit'),
'name' => 'submit', 'value' => 'submit'));
return $form;
protected function helperListButtons(Engine $engine, PageElement $page,
Request $request = NULL)
protected function helperListView(Engine $engine,
Request $request = NULL)
$view = parent::helperListView($engine, $request);
if($request->get('type') == 'screenshot')
$view->set('columns', FALSE);
$view->set('view', 'thumbnails');
return $view;