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<!ENTITY firstname "Pierre">
<!ENTITY surname "Pronchery">
<!ENTITY email "khorben@defora.org">
<!ENTITY section "5">
<!ENTITY package "DaPortal">
<!ENTITY name "daportal.conf">
<!ENTITY title "DaPortal Administrator Manual">
<!ENTITY purpose "Configuration file for DaPortal">
<contrib>Code and documentation.</contrib>
<holder>&firstname; &surname; &lt;&email;&gt;</holder>
<para>This manual page was written for the DaPortal project (and may be
used by others).</para>
<para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.</para>
<refsect1 id="description">
<title>DaPortal configuration</title>
<para>The <filename>&name;</filename> file should be found within the root
folder of an installation of the DaPortal project. A sample file should
already be available when extracting DaPortal.</para>
<title>File format</title>
<para>The <filename>&name;</filename> file is organized in sections, each
containing a number of variables. Section names are written on their own
line, between brackets (eg "[section]"). Variables are given on their own
lines too, like this:
The &name; file may be commented, comment lines being prepended with a hash
sign "#".</para>
<para>Variables can be defined directly without specifying a particular
section first; they belong then to the default section, which is simply
considered to have an empty name.</para>
<title>Important variables</title>
The &name; file typically starts with the following variables:
<listitem><para><varname>debug</varname>: whether to log debugging
information (each engine may have its own implementation for
<listitem><para><varname>prefix</varname>: the <varname>PREFIX</varname>
directory where the required system files are installed, like
translations (defaults to
<listitem><para><varname>theme</varname>: the default theme (defaults to
<listitem><para><varname>title</varname>: the default title (defaults to
<title>Important sections</title>
<para>A number of sections are essential for proper configuration of
&package;. Most map to a specific subsystem of &package;, as summarized
<listitem><para>defaults: a few important additional values can be set
within this section.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>engine: the default engine can be set within this section,
through the <varname>backend</varname> variable (default:
<listitem><para>auth: the default authentication subsystem can be set
within this section, through the <varname>backend</varname> variable
(default: determined by the engine)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>database: the database backend can be forced within this
section, through the <varname>backend</varname> variable as well
(default: SQLite 3)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>format: the default file format to use when converting
pages for delivery to the user; specific backends can be forced for any
given MIME type, and variables can be set per backend (defaults:
specific to each engine and format backend)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>template: the default templating engine to use when
generating pages, through the <varname>backend</varname> variable
(default: basic, when not overriden by the engine).</para></listitem>
The list of variables available for each of these sections is specific to
each; they are typically listed within the default configuration
<title>Other sections</title>
<para>The other sections typically match a particular module or subsystem,
with the name composed of two parts:
<listitem><para>the type of subsystem (eg "database", "engine", "format",
"module", "template"...) followed by two colons "::";</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>the name of the subsystem affected.</para></listitem>
Again, the list of variables available for each of these sections is found
within the default configuration file.</para>
<refsect1 id="subsystems">
<para>This subsystem is responsible for proper authentication of the final
user. Different authentication mechanisms are necessary or relevant
depending on the current environment, and therefore provided by this
subsystem. User-specific storage should also be provided by this subsystem,
as it may be required by some other subsystems or modules for proper
<para>The database subsystem is in charge of interacting with the actual
database backend to be used. It must handle SQL prepared statements, and
should implement transactions as well.</para>
<para>This subsystem is the most essential of all. It is in charge of
defining the incoming requests, loading the respective subsystems
necessary, processing the requests and determining how to render them to
the final user.</para>
<para>The format subsystem converts input in the &package;'s internal
widget-based representation to the desired output format, which can range
from a native application window to document formats, as well as plain
<para>The actual format backend to be used is usually determined by the
engine, according to the MIME type expected; the <filename>&name;</filename>
configuration file can be used to map these associations (as illustrated in
<xref linkend="sample_file"/>).</para>
<para>The templating subsystem is optional, and may be loaded to enrich the
content returned by specific requests, or determine whether and how the
results of additional requests should be rendered as well.</para>
<para>The user interface of &package; can optionally be translated,
regardless of the rendering engine being used. Its implementation defaults
to the GNU Gettext API (as provided by PHP). A stub implementation is
provided otherwise.</para>
<refsect1 id="modules">
<para>The "admin" module is reserved to site administrators, and manages
which modules are to be enabled.</para>
<para>The "content" module is an abstract class, dedicated to content
management. It is, in turn, inherited by more specialized modules (such as
"news", "blog", "wiki"...) which format and authorize access to content
according to their respective requirements.</para>
<para>The "search" module is a generic module to look for content globally on
the site.</para>
<para>The "user" module can be used whenever the authentication backend
itself is not sufficient to identify the user properly. It is also useful to
access and update account information, or list content of specific
<refsect1 id="sample_file">
<title>Sample file</title>
A sample configuration file is provided here.
footer=All rights reserved
<refsect1 id="bugs">
<para>Issues can be listed and reported at <ulink
<refsect1 id="see_also">
<title>See also</title>
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