
<?php //$Id$
//Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Pierre Pronchery <khorben@defora.org>
//This file is part of DeforaOS Web DaPortal
//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class BugProjectContent extends ContentMulti
public function __construct(Engine $engine, Module $module,
$properties = FALSE)
$this->fields['project_id'] = 'project ID';
$this->fields['bug_id'] = 'bug #';
$this->fields['state'] = 'state';
$this->fields['type'] = 'type';
$this->fields['priority'] = 'priority';
$this->fields['assigned'] = 'assigned';
if($properties === FALSE)
$properties = array();
$properties['state'] = 'New';
parent::__construct($engine, $module, $properties);
if(($project_id = $this->get('project_id')) !== FALSE)
$this->project = ProjectContent::load($engine,
$module, $project_id);
$this->text_content_by = _('Bug report from');
$this->text_content_list_title = _('Bug reports');
$this->text_more_content = _('More reports...');
$this->text_submit = _('Report bug...');
self::$priorities['Urgent'] = _('Urgent');
self::$priorities['High'] = _('High');
self::$priorities['Medium'] = _('Medium');
self::$priorities['Low'] = _('Low');
self::$states['Assigned'] = _('Assigned');
self::$states['Closed'] = _('Closed');
self::$states['Fixed'] = _('Fixed');
self::$states['Implemented'] = _('Implemented');
self::$states['New'] = _('New');
self::$states['Re-opened'] = _('Re-opened');
self::$types['Major'] = _('Major');
self::$types['Minor'] = _('Minor');
self::$types['Functionality'] = _('Functionality');
self::$types['Feature'] = _('Feature');
public function getBugReplies(Engine $engine)
return BugReplyProjectContent::listByBugID($engine,
$this->getModule(), $this->get('bug_id'));
static public function getColumns()
return array('title' => _('Title'),
'bug_id' => _('ID'), 'project' => _('Project'),
'date' => _('Date'), 'state' => _('State'),
'type' => _('Type'), 'priority' => _('Priority'));
public function getRequest($action = FALSE, $parameters = FALSE)
return new Request($this->getModule()->getName(), $action,
$this->getID(), parent::getTitle(), $parameters);
public function getTitle()
$title = ($this->project !== FALSE)
? $this->project->getTitle().'/' : '';
return $title.'#'.$this->get('bug_id').': '.parent::getTitle();
public function set($name, $value)
case 'priority':
if(!array_key_exists($value, self::$priorities))
return FALSE;
case 'state':
if(!array_key_exists($value, self::$states))
return FALSE;
case 'bug_type':
//XXX workaround for the ContentMulti class
$name = 'type';
case 'type':
if(!array_key_exists($value, self::$types))
return FALSE;
return parent::set($name, $value);
public function display(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL)
$ret = parent::display($engine, $request);
//FIXME list the replies above the buttons
$ret->append($this->displayReplies($engine, $request));
return $ret;
public function displayContent(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$text = HTML::format($engine, $this->getContent($engine));
return new PageElement('htmlview', array('text' => $text));
public function displayReplies(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$error = _('Could not list the replies');
if(($replies = $this->getBugReplies($engine)) === FALSE)
return new PageElement('dialog', array(
'type' => 'error', 'text' => $error));
$columns = array('title' => _('Title'),
'username' => _('Username'), 'date' => _('Date'),
'preview' => _('Preview'));
$view = new PageElement('treeview', array('view' => 'preview',
'columns' => $columns));
foreach($replies as $r)
$view->append('row', array(
'username' => $r->getUsername(),
'date' => $r->getDate(),
'preview' => $r->displayContent($engine,
return $view;
public function displayRow(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL)
$project = ProjectContent::load($engine, $this->getModule(),
$row = parent::displayRow($engine, $request);
$request = $this->getRequest();
$link = new PageElement('link', array('request' => $request,
'text' => '#'.$this->get('bug_id'),
'title' => $this->getTitle()));
$row->set('bug_id', $link);
$row->set('id', 'bug_id:'.$this->getID());
if($project !== FALSE)
$request = $project->getRequest();
$link = new PageElement('link', array(
'stock' => $this->getModule()->getName(),
'request' => $request,
'text' => $project->getTitle(),
'title' => $project->get('synopsis')));
$row->set('project', $link);
$row->set('state', $this->get('state'));
$row->set('type', $this->get('type'));
$row->set('priority', $this->get('priority'));
return $row;
public function displayToolbar(Engine $engine, Request $request = NULL)
if($this->project !== FALSE)
return $this->project->displayToolbar($engine,
return FALSE;
public function form(Engine $engine, Request $request)
return parent::form($engine, $request);
protected function _formSubmit(Engine $engine, Request $request)
$vbox = new PageElement('vbox');
$vbox->append('entry', array('name' => 'title',
'text' => _('Title: '),
'value' => $request->getParameter('title')));
$vbox->append('textview', array('name' => 'content',
'text' => _('Description: '),
'value' => $request->getParameter('content')));
$combobox = $vbox->append('combobox', array(
'name' => 'bug_type',
'text' => _('Type: '),
'value' => $request->get('bug_type')));
foreach(self::$types as $value => $text)
$combobox->append('label', array('value' => $value,
'text' => $text));
$combobox = $vbox->append('combobox', array(
'name' => 'priority',
'text' => _('Priority: '),
'value' => $request->get('priority')));
foreach(self::$priorities as $value => $text)
$combobox->append('label', array('value' => $value,
'text' => $text));
return $vbox;
static public function loadFromBugID(Engine $engine, Module $module,
//XXX duplicated from Content::_load()
$database = $engine->getDatabase();
$query = static::$query_load_by_bug_id;
$args = array('module_id' => $module->getID(),
'bug_id' => $bug_id);
$from = array('-', '\\');
$to = array('_', '\\\\');
if($engine instanceof HTTPFriendlyEngine)
//XXX friendly links may compress slashes
$from[] = '/';
$to[] = '%';
$query .= ' AND title '.$database->like(FALSE)
.' :title ESCAPE :escape';
$args['title'] = str_replace($from, $to, $bug_id);
$args['escape'] = '\\';
if(($res = $database->query($engine, $query, $args)) === FALSE
|| $res->count() != 1)
return FALSE;
return static::loadFromResult($engine, $module, $res);
protected $project = FALSE;
static protected $class = 'BugProjectContent';
static protected $list_order = 'bug_id DESC';
static protected $priorities = array('Urgent' => 'Urgent',
'High' => 'High', 'Medium' => 'Medium', 'Low' => 'Low');
static protected $states = array('New' => 'New',
'Assigned' => 'Assigned', 'Closed' => 'Closed',
'Fixed' => 'Fixed', 'Implemented' => 'Implemented',
'Re-opened' => 'Re-opened');
static protected $types = array('Major' => 'Major', 'Minor' => 'Minor',
'Functionality' => 'Functionality', 'Feature' => 'Feature');
//IN: module_id
static protected $query_list = "SELECT bug.content_id AS id,
bug.timestamp AS timestamp,
bug.module_id AS module_id, bug.module AS module,
bug.user_id AS user_id, bug.username AS username,
bug.group_id AS group_id, bug.groupname AS groupname,
bug.title AS title, bug.content AS content,
bug.enabled AS enabled, bug.public AS public,
bug_id, state, type, priority,
daportal_project.project_id AS project_id,
project.title AS project
FROM daportal_content_public bug, daportal_bug,
daportal_content_public project, daportal_project
WHERE bug.content_id=daportal_bug.content_id
AND daportal_bug.project_id=daportal_project.project_id
AND project.content_id=daportal_project.project_id
AND bug.module_id=:module_id";
//IN: module_id
// user_id
static protected $query_list_user = "SELECT bug.content_id AS id,
bug.timestamp AS timestamp,
bug.module_id AS module_id, bug.module AS module,
bug.user_id AS user_id, bug.username AS username,
bug.group_id AS group_id, bug.groupname AS groupname,
bug.title AS title, bug.content AS content,
bug.enabled AS enabled, bug.public AS public,
bug_id, state, type, priority,
daportal_project.project_id AS project_id,
project.title AS project
FROM daportal_content_public bug, daportal_bug,
daportal_content_public project, daportal_project
WHERE bug.content_id=daportal_bug.content_id
AND daportal_bug.project_id=daportal_project.project_id
AND project.content_id=daportal_project.project_id
AND bug.module_id=:module_id
AND bug.user_id=:user_id";
//IN: module_id
// user_id
static protected $query_list_user_private = "SELECT bug.content_id AS id,
bug.timestamp AS timestamp,
bug.module_id AS module_id, bug.module AS module,
bug.user_id AS user_id, bug.username AS username,
bug.group_id AS group_id, bug.groupname AS groupname,
bug.title AS title, bug.content AS content,
bug.enabled AS enabled, bug.public AS public,
bug_id, state, type, priority,
daportal_project.project_id AS project_id,
project.title AS project
FROM daportal_content_enabled bug, daportal_bug,
daportal_content_public project, daportal_project
WHERE bug.content_id=daportal_bug.content_id
AND daportal_bug.project_id=daportal_project.project_id
AND project.content_id=daportal_project.project_id
AND bug.module_id=:module_id
AND bug.user_id=:user_id";
//IN: module_id
// user_id
// content_id
static protected $query_load = "SELECT
daportal_content_enabled.content_id AS id, timestamp,
module_id, module, user_id, username, group_id, groupname,
title, content, enabled, public, bug_id, project_id, state,
type, priority, assigned
FROM daportal_content_enabled, daportal_bug
WHERE daportal_content_enabled.content_id
AND module_id=:module_id
AND (public='1' OR user_id=:user_id)
AND daportal_content_enabled.content_id=:content_id";
//IN: module_id
// bug_id
static protected $query_load_by_bug_id = 'SELECT
daportal_content_public.content_id AS id, timestamp,
module_id, module, user_id, username, group_id, groupname,
title, content, enabled, public, bug_id, project_id, state,
type, priority, assigned
FROM daportal_content_public, daportal_bug
WHERE daportal_content_public.content_id=daportal_bug.content_id
AND module_id=:module_id
AND bug_id=:bug_id';