
/* ecrypt-portable.h */
* WARNING: the conversions defined below are implemented as macros,
* and should be used carefully. They should NOT be used with
* parameters which perform some action. E.g., the following two lines
* are not equivalent:
* 1) ++x; y = ROTL32(x, n);
* 2) y = ROTL32(++x, n);
* *** Please do not edit this file. ***
* The default macros can be overridden for specific architectures by
* editing 'ecrypt-machine.h'.
#include "ecrypt-config.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* The following types are defined (if available):
* u8: unsigned integer type, at least 8 bits
* u16: unsigned integer type, at least 16 bits
* u32: unsigned integer type, at least 32 bits
* u64: unsigned integer type, at least 64 bits
* s8, s16, s32, s64 -> signed counterparts of u8, u16, u32, u64
* The selection of minimum-width integer types is taken care of by
* 'ecrypt-config.h'. Note: to enable 64-bit types on 32-bit
* compilers, it might be necessary to switch from ISO C90 mode to ISO
* C99 mode (e.g., gcc -std=c99).
#ifdef I8T
typedef signed I8T s8;
typedef unsigned I8T u8;
#ifdef I16T
typedef signed I16T s16;
typedef unsigned I16T u16;
#ifdef I32T
typedef signed I32T s32;
typedef unsigned I32T u32;
#ifdef I64T
typedef signed I64T s64;
typedef unsigned I64T u64;
* The following macros are used to obtain exact-width results.
#define U8V(v) ((u8)(v) & U8C(0xFF))
#define U16V(v) ((u16)(v) & U16C(0xFFFF))
#define U32V(v) ((u32)(v) & U32C(0xFFFFFFFF))
#define U64V(v) ((u64)(v) & U64C(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF))
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* The following macros return words with their bits rotated over n
* positions to the left/right.
#define ROTL8(v, n) \
(U8V((v) << (n)) | ((v) >> (8 - (n))))
#define ROTL16(v, n) \
(U16V((v) << (n)) | ((v) >> (16 - (n))))
#define ROTL32(v, n) \
(U32V((v) << (n)) | ((v) >> (32 - (n))))
#define ROTL64(v, n) \
(U64V((v) << (n)) | ((v) >> (64 - (n))))
#define ROTR8(v, n) ROTL8(v, 8 - (n))
#define ROTR16(v, n) ROTL16(v, 16 - (n))
#define ROTR32(v, n) ROTL32(v, 32 - (n))
#define ROTR64(v, n) ROTL64(v, 64 - (n))
#include "ecrypt-machine.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* The following macros return a word with bytes in reverse order.
#define SWAP16(v) \
ROTL16(v, 8)
#define SWAP32(v) \
((ROTL32(v, 8) & U32C(0x00FF00FF)) | \
(ROTL32(v, 24) & U32C(0xFF00FF00)))
#define SWAP64(v) \
((ROTL64(v, 8) & U64C(0x000000FF000000FF)) | \
(ROTL64(v, 24) & U64C(0x0000FF000000FF00)) | \
(ROTL64(v, 40) & U64C(0x00FF000000FF0000)) | \
(ROTL64(v, 56) & U64C(0xFF000000FF000000)))
#define SWAP64(v) \
(((u64)SWAP32(U32V(v)) << 32) | (u64)SWAP32(U32V(v >> 32)))
#include "ecrypt-machine.h"
#define U16TO16_LITTLE(v) (v)
#define U32TO32_LITTLE(v) (v)
#define U64TO64_LITTLE(v) (v)
#define U16TO16_BIG(v) SWAP16(v)
#define U32TO32_BIG(v) SWAP32(v)
#define U64TO64_BIG(v) SWAP64(v)
#define U16TO16_LITTLE(v) SWAP16(v)
#define U32TO32_LITTLE(v) SWAP32(v)
#define U64TO64_LITTLE(v) SWAP64(v)
#define U16TO16_BIG(v) (v)
#define U32TO32_BIG(v) (v)
#define U64TO64_BIG(v) (v)
#include "ecrypt-machine.h"
* The following macros load words from an array of bytes with
* different types of endianness, and vice versa.
#if (!defined(ECRYPT_UNKNOWN) && defined(ECRYPT_I8T_IS_BYTE))
#define U8TO16_LITTLE(p) U16TO16_LITTLE(((u16*)(p))[0])
#define U8TO32_LITTLE(p) U32TO32_LITTLE(((u32*)(p))[0])
#define U8TO64_LITTLE(p) U64TO64_LITTLE(((u64*)(p))[0])
#define U8TO16_BIG(p) U16TO16_BIG(((u16*)(p))[0])
#define U8TO32_BIG(p) U32TO32_BIG(((u32*)(p))[0])
#define U8TO64_BIG(p) U64TO64_BIG(((u64*)(p))[0])
#define U16TO8_LITTLE(p, v) (((u16*)(p))[0] = U16TO16_LITTLE(v))
#define U32TO8_LITTLE(p, v) (((u32*)(p))[0] = U32TO32_LITTLE(v))
#define U64TO8_LITTLE(p, v) (((u64*)(p))[0] = U64TO64_LITTLE(v))
#define U16TO8_BIG(p, v) (((u16*)(p))[0] = U16TO16_BIG(v))
#define U32TO8_BIG(p, v) (((u32*)(p))[0] = U32TO32_BIG(v))
#define U64TO8_BIG(p, v) (((u64*)(p))[0] = U64TO64_BIG(v))
#define U8TO16_LITTLE(p) \
(((u16)((p)[0]) ) | \
((u16)((p)[1]) << 8))
#define U8TO32_LITTLE(p) \
(((u32)((p)[0]) ) | \
((u32)((p)[1]) << 8) | \
((u32)((p)[2]) << 16) | \
((u32)((p)[3]) << 24))
#define U8TO64_LITTLE(p) \
(((u64)((p)[0]) ) | \
((u64)((p)[1]) << 8) | \
((u64)((p)[2]) << 16) | \
((u64)((p)[3]) << 24) | \
((u64)((p)[4]) << 32) | \
((u64)((p)[5]) << 40) | \
((u64)((p)[6]) << 48) | \
((u64)((p)[7]) << 56))
#define U8TO64_LITTLE(p) \
((u64)U8TO32_LITTLE(p) | ((u64)U8TO32_LITTLE((p) + 4) << 32))
#define U8TO16_BIG(p) \
(((u16)((p)[0]) << 8) | \
((u16)((p)[1]) ))
#define U8TO32_BIG(p) \
(((u32)((p)[0]) << 24) | \
((u32)((p)[1]) << 16) | \
((u32)((p)[2]) << 8) | \
((u32)((p)[3]) ))
#define U8TO64_BIG(p) \
(((u64)((p)[0]) << 56) | \
((u64)((p)[1]) << 48) | \
((u64)((p)[2]) << 40) | \
((u64)((p)[3]) << 32) | \
((u64)((p)[4]) << 24) | \
((u64)((p)[5]) << 16) | \
((u64)((p)[6]) << 8) | \
((u64)((p)[7]) ))
#define U8TO64_BIG(p) \
(((u64)U8TO32_BIG(p) << 32) | (u64)U8TO32_BIG((p) + 4))
#define U16TO8_LITTLE(p, v) \
do { \
(p)[0] = U8V((v) ); \
(p)[1] = U8V((v) >> 8); \
} while (0)
#define U32TO8_LITTLE(p, v) \
do { \
(p)[0] = U8V((v) ); \
(p)[1] = U8V((v) >> 8); \
(p)[2] = U8V((v) >> 16); \
(p)[3] = U8V((v) >> 24); \
} while (0)
#define U64TO8_LITTLE(p, v) \
do { \
(p)[0] = U8V((v) ); \
(p)[1] = U8V((v) >> 8); \
(p)[2] = U8V((v) >> 16); \
(p)[3] = U8V((v) >> 24); \
(p)[4] = U8V((v) >> 32); \
(p)[5] = U8V((v) >> 40); \
(p)[6] = U8V((v) >> 48); \
(p)[7] = U8V((v) >> 56); \
} while (0)
#define U64TO8_LITTLE(p, v) \
do { \
U32TO8_LITTLE((p), U32V((v) )); \
U32TO8_LITTLE((p) + 4, U32V((v) >> 32)); \
} while (0)
#define U16TO8_BIG(p, v) \
do { \
(p)[0] = U8V((v) ); \
(p)[1] = U8V((v) >> 8); \
} while (0)
#define U32TO8_BIG(p, v) \
do { \
(p)[0] = U8V((v) >> 24); \
(p)[1] = U8V((v) >> 16); \
(p)[2] = U8V((v) >> 8); \
(p)[3] = U8V((v) ); \
} while (0)
#define U64TO8_BIG(p, v) \
do { \
(p)[0] = U8V((v) >> 56); \
(p)[1] = U8V((v) >> 48); \
(p)[2] = U8V((v) >> 40); \
(p)[3] = U8V((v) >> 32); \
(p)[4] = U8V((v) >> 24); \
(p)[5] = U8V((v) >> 16); \
(p)[6] = U8V((v) >> 8); \
(p)[7] = U8V((v) ); \
} while (0)
#define U64TO8_BIG(p, v) \
do { \
U32TO8_BIG((p), U32V((v) >> 32)); \
U32TO8_BIG((p) + 4, U32V((v) )); \
} while (0)
#include "ecrypt-machine.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */