
DeforaOS Browser
About Browser
Browser is a file manager and image browser.
It can be extended through plug-ins, which are then displayed in the left pane
of the file management windows.
Browser is part of the DeforaOS Project, found at
Compiling Browser
Browser depends on the following components:
* Gtk+ 2.4 or newer, or Gtk+ 3.0 or newer
* DeforaOS libDesktop
* an implementation of `make`
* gettext (libintl) for translations
* DocBook-XSL for the manual pages
* GTK-Doc for the API documentation
With these installed, the following command should be enough to compile and
install Browser on most systems:
$ make install
To install (or package) Browser in a different location, use the `PREFIX` option
as follows:
$ make PREFIX="/another/prefix" install
Browser also supports `DESTDIR`, to be installed in a staging directory; for
$ make DESTDIR="/staging/directory" PREFIX="/another/prefix" install
The compilation process supports a number of other options, such as OBJDIR for
compilation outside of the source tree for instance.
On some systems, the Makefiles shipped may have to be re-generated accordingly.
This can be performed with the DeforaOS configure tool.
Manual pages for each of the executables installed are available in the `doc`
folder. They are written in the DocBook-XML format, and need libxslt and
DocBook-XSL to be installed for conversion to the HTML or man file format.
Likewise, the API reference for Browser (plug-ins) is available in the
`doc/gtkdoc` folder, and is generated using gtk-doc.
Extending Browser
Plug-ins for the Browser program can be written according to the API definitions
installed and found in `<Desktop/Browser.h>` (in the source code in the
`include/Browser.h` file).
A sample plug-in can be found in `src/plugins/template.c`.
Further plug-ins may also be found in the
[DeforaOS Integration](
Distributing Browser
DeforaOS Browser is subject to the terms of the 2-clause BSD license. Please
see the `COPYING` file for more information.