AFULTab contest

Wiki page by khorben on 07/03/2012 00:26:17
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-This page summarizes the status of development with regard to the <a href="/os/news/3610/DeforaOS-selected-for-the-AFULTab-contest">AFULTab contest</a>.<br><h2>Issues in DeforaOS</h2><ul><li>[Desktop] Review Drag &amp; Drop support for file management<br></li><li>[Desktop] Choose (or implement) a window manager</li><li>[Desktop] Improve finger-based interaction for the web browser</li><li>[Desktop] Debug and polish the mail client (including the embedded mode)</li><li>[Desktop] Integrate the AppProtocol (and VFS in particular)<br></li><li>[Telephony] Ease the configuration of the APN for 3G/GPRS connections<br></li></ul><h2>Bugs in NetBSD</h2><h3>Software issues</h3><ul><li>[Boot] The system is unstable when booting with genfb</li></ul><h3>Hardware support</h3><ul><li>[ACPI] The Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t does not power off</li><li>[Graphics] The graphics card on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not accelerated</li><li>[Touchscreen] The wstablet framework must be updated (and merged)</li><li>[Touchscreen] The touchscreen driver on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not supported<br></li><li>[Wireless] The wireless card on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not supported</li></ul><br>
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+This page summarizes the status of development with regard to the <a href="/os/news/3610/DeforaOS-selected-for-the-AFULTab-contest">AFULTab contest</a>.<br><h2>Issues in DeforaOS</h2><ul><li>[Desktop] Review Copy &amp; Paste support for file management<br></li><li>[Desktop] Review Drag &amp; Drop support for file management<br></li><li>[Desktop] Choose (or implement) a window manager</li><li>[Desktop] Improve finger-based interaction for the web browser</li><li>[Desktop] Debug and polish the mail client (including the embedded mode)</li><li>[Desktop] Integrate the AppProtocol (and VFS in particular)</li><li>[Network] Let the user configure networking graphically (eg wireless...)<br></li><li>[Telephony] Ease the configuration of the APN for 3G/GPRS connections<br></li></ul><h2>Bugs in NetBSD</h2><h3>Software issues</h3><ul><li>[Boot] The system is unstable when booting with genfb</li></ul><h3>Hardware support</h3><ul><li>[ACPI] The Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t does not power off</li><li>[Graphics] The graphics card on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not accelerated</li><li>[Multimedia] The sound card on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t does not work</li><li>[Multimedia] The webcam on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t does not work</li><li>[Touchscreen] The wstablet framework must be updated (and merged)</li><li>[Touchscreen] The touchscreen driver on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not supported<br></li><li>[Wireless] The wireless card on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not supported</li></ul><br>
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