--- /var/www/www.defora.org/wiki/AFULTab contest 2012/03/12 19:30:22 1.22
+++ /var/www/www.defora.org/wiki/AFULTab contest 2012/03/12 19:34:13 1.23
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<span style="font-style: italic;">This page summarizes the status of development with regard to the </span><a style="font-style: italic;" href="/os/news/3610/DeforaOS-selected-for-the-AFULTab-contest">AFULTab contest</a><span style="font-style: italic;">.</span><br><h2>Configuration</h2><h3>Input handling</h3><h4>Gtk+ configuration</h4><p>The DeforaOS applications and desktop environment should be compiled, installed and configured as embedded applications:</p><ul><li>no more menubars;</li><li>toolbars with icons only;</li><li>finger-friendly buttons, menu entries, scrollbars, spinners, check boxes...</li></ul><p>Generic finger-friendly scrolling should also be provided, if at all possible. Being able to get rid of scrollbars would be a plus.<br></p><h4>Right-click emulation</h4><p>Support for emulating right clicks should be provided, either via Xorg globally, or a Gtk+ plug-in (such as libgtkstylus).<br></p><h3>Multimedia support</h3><h4>Sound server</h4><p>Installing, supporting and pre-configuring a sound server such as pulseaudio(1) may be relevant.</p><h3>Networking</h3><h4>Network configuration</h4><p>The dhcpcd-gtk applet for the panel's notification area supports integration with wired interfaces, as well as wpa-supplicant for wireless. While not fully complete, it may be functional enough for the prototype delivered. It would notably:</p><ul><li>avoid conflicts with both wired and wireless interfaces configured;</li><li>remove the need for the ifwatchd(8) daemon.<br></li></ul><h2>Known issues<br></h2><h3>Bugs in DeforaOS</h3><ul><li>[Desktop] Choose (or implement) a window manager</li><li>[Desktop] Debug and polish the mail client (including the embedded mode)</li><li>[Desktop] Debug and polish the volume mixer: <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3639?bug_id=43">#43</a>, <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3640?bug_id=44">#44</a>, <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3641?bug_id=45">#45</a>, <a style="text-decoration: line-through;" href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3642?bug_id=46">#46</a><br></li><li>[Desktop] Enhance file management: <a href="os/project/bug_display/3638?bug_id=42">#42</a>, <a href="os/project/bug_display/3643?bug_id=47">#47</a></li><li>[Desktop] Improve the screen saver: <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3648?bug_id=52">#52</a>, <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3649?bug_id=53">#53</a>, <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3650/Prevent-screen-locking-while-watching-videos?bug_id=54">#54</a><br></li><li>[Desktop] Integrate the AppProtocol (and VFS in particular)</li><li>[Input] Improve finger-based interaction for the web browser</li><li>[Input] Improve the virtual keyboard: <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3647?bug_id=51">#51</a><br></li><li>[Network] Let the user configure networking graphically (eg wireless...)<br></li><li>[Telephony] Improve general support: <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3644/Support-concatenated-SMS-messages?bug_id=48">#48</a>, <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3646/Provide-known-settings-for-Internet-APNs?bug_id=50">#50</a><br></li></ul><h3>Bugs in NetBSD</h3><ul><li>[ACPI] The Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t does not power off</li><li>[Boot] The system is unstable when booting with genfb<br></li><li>[Graphics] The graphics card on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not accelerated</li><li>[Graphics] Software acceleration is buggy with modular-xorg-server<br></li><li style="text-decoration: line-through;">[Input] The wstablet framework must be updated (and merged)</li><li><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">[Input] The touchscreen on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not supported</span><br></li><li>[Multimedia] The sound card on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t does not work</li><li>[Multimedia] The webcam on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t does not work</li><li>[Telephony] The UMTS device is not identified on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t<br></li><li>[Wireless] The wireless card on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not supported</li></ul><h2>Solving issues in NetBSD</h2><h3>ACPI sub-system</h3><h4>The Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t does not power off</h4><p>There seem to be issues with the ACPI sub-system, the most obvious one while attempting to turn off the computer:</p><p style="font-family: monospace;"># shutdown -p now</p><p>which simply doesn't work. The kernel mentions "acpi0: entering state 5" and then locks.</p><p>The issue is apparently broader, with "envstat -r" being, at best, extremely slow.<br></p><h3>Booting<br></h3><h4>The system is unstable when booting with genfb</h4><p>Up until 6.0_BETA booting with genfb (either with or without a splash screen) was very unreliable, and X not starting at all. Since shortly before the netbsd-6 branch it seems to work properly.</p><p>However:</p><ul><li>the colours and/or the logo are usually wrong or corrupted;</li><li>not every colour depth seems supported on every graphics card;</li><li>the kernel sometimes still outputs some text before enabling the splash screen.<br></li></ul><h3>Graphics sub-system<br></h3><h4>
+<span style="font-style: italic;">This page summarizes the status of development with regard to the </span><a style="font-style: italic;" href="/os/news/3610/DeforaOS-selected-for-the-AFULTab-contest">AFULTab contest</a><span style="font-style: italic;">.</span><br><h2>Configuration</h2><h3>Input handling</h3><h4>Gtk+ configuration</h4><p>The DeforaOS applications and desktop environment should be compiled, installed and configured as embedded applications:</p><ul><li>no more menubars;</li><li>toolbars with icons only;</li><li>finger-friendly buttons, menu entries, scrollbars, spinners, check boxes...</li></ul><p>Generic finger-friendly scrolling should also be provided, if at all possible. Being able to get rid of scrollbars would be a plus.<br></p><h4>Right-click emulation</h4><p>Support for emulating right clicks should be provided, either via Xorg globally, or a Gtk+ plug-in (such as libgtkstylus).<br></p><h3>Multimedia support</h3><h4>Sound server</h4><p>Installing, supporting and pre-configuring a sound server such as pulseaudio(1) may be relevant.</p><h3>Networking</h3><h4>Network configuration</h4><p>The dhcpcd-gtk applet for the panel's notification area supports integration with wired interfaces, as well as wpa-supplicant for wireless. While not fully complete, it may be functional enough for the prototype delivered. It would notably:</p><ul><li>avoid conflicts with both wired and wireless interfaces configured;</li><li>remove the need for the ifwatchd(8) daemon.<br></li></ul><h3>Usability</h3><h4>Boot-time optimization</h4><h4>Installation procedure<br></h4><h4>Translation to other languages</h4><h4>User manual<br></h4><h2>Known issues<br></h2><h3>Bugs in DeforaOS</h3><ul><li>[Desktop] Choose (or implement) a window manager</li><li>[Desktop] Debug and polish the mail client (including the embedded mode)</li><li>[Desktop] Debug and polish the volume mixer: <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3639?bug_id=43">#43</a>, <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3640?bug_id=44">#44</a>, <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3641?bug_id=45">#45</a>, <a style="text-decoration: line-through;" href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3642?bug_id=46">#46</a><br></li><li>[Desktop] Enhance file management: <a href="os/project/bug_display/3638?bug_id=42">#42</a>, <a href="os/project/bug_display/3643?bug_id=47">#47</a></li><li>[Desktop] Improve the screen saver: <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3648?bug_id=52">#52</a>, <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3649?bug_id=53">#53</a>, <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3650/Prevent-screen-locking-while-watching-videos?bug_id=54">#54</a><br></li><li>[Desktop] Integrate the AppProtocol (and VFS in particular)</li><li>[Input] Improve finger-based interaction for the web browser</li><li>[Input] Improve the virtual keyboard: <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3647?bug_id=51">#51</a><br></li><li>[Network] Let the user configure networking graphically (eg wireless...)<br></li><li>[Telephony] Improve general support: <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3644/Support-concatenated-SMS-messages?bug_id=48">#48</a>, <a href="https://www.defora.org/os/project/bug_display/3646/Provide-known-settings-for-Internet-APNs?bug_id=50">#50</a><br></li></ul><h3>Bugs in NetBSD</h3><ul><li>[ACPI] The Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t does not power off</li><li>[Boot] The system is unstable when booting with genfb<br></li><li>[Graphics] The graphics card on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not accelerated</li><li>[Graphics] Software acceleration is buggy with modular-xorg-server<br></li><li style="text-decoration: line-through;">[Input] The wstablet framework must be updated (and merged)</li><li><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">[Input] The touchscreen on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not supported</span><br></li><li>[Multimedia] The sound card on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t does not work</li><li>[Multimedia] The webcam on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t does not work</li><li>[Telephony] The UMTS device is not identified on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t<br></li><li>[Wireless] The wireless card on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not supported</li></ul><h2>Solving issues in NetBSD</h2><h3>ACPI sub-system</h3><h4>The Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t does not power off</h4><p>There seem to be issues with the ACPI sub-system, the most obvious one while attempting to turn off the computer:</p><p style="font-family: monospace;"># shutdown -p now</p><p>which simply doesn't work. The kernel mentions "acpi0: entering state 5" and then locks.</p><p>The issue is apparently broader, with "envstat -r" being, at best, extremely slow.<br></p><h3>Booting<br></h3><h4>The system is unstable when booting with genfb</h4><p>Up until 6.0_BETA booting with genfb (either with or without a splash screen) was very unreliable, and X not starting at all. Since shortly before the netbsd-6 branch it seems to work properly.</p><p>However:</p><ul><li>the colours and/or the logo are usually wrong or corrupted;</li><li>not every colour depth seems supported on every graphics card;</li><li>the kernel sometimes still outputs some text before enabling the splash screen.<br></li></ul><h3>Graphics sub-system<br></h3><h4>
The graphics card on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t is not accelerated</h4><p>This problem is currently being addressed by Gregoire Sutre, on his netbsd-drmgem branch on github: <a href="https://github.com/gsutre/netbsd-drmgem">https://github.com/gsutre/netbsd-drmgem</a>.<br></p><h4>Software acceleration is buggy with modular-xorg-server</h4><p>Using modular-xorg-server with the "vesa" driver (while the accelerated Intel driver gets fixed) is barely usable, as windows are not fully drawn correctly. Running xterm with anti-aliased fonts is an easy way to reproduce the issue.</p><p>It seems to be related to acceleration issues rather than a specific video driver, maybe when no DRI driver could be loaded. I have yet to determine if both EXA and XAA exhibit the issue.</p><p>Also noteworthy is the requirement for the Xorg executable to be linked with libpthread for the DRI modules to load correctly.<br></p><h3>Input handling<br></h3><h4>The wstablet framework must be updated (and merged)</h4><p>The wstablet framework was being worked on as part of a Google Summer of Code project in August 2008, see <a href="http://netbsd-soc.sourceforge.net/projects/wscons/">http://netbsd-soc.sourceforge.net/projects/wscons/</a>.</p><p>Unfortunately,
it seems that the results of this project have not been merged to
NetBSD, nor significant enough to be useful for touchscreen integration